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Modern in a dated apartment

5 years ago

This new apartment we (my boyfriend and I) just moved into has me tearing my hair out. Okay well it's more of my boyfriend has me tearing my hair out. The apartment has a weird dated look but also sorta modern in some areas? To be honest I loved it when I saw it because I wanted to do a nice almost antique look; but my boyfriend had other ideas. Which this is completely fine, I'm less picky so im willing to try to make anything work. He basically wants a "modern contemporary" look which in his book is your sleek and clean cut look. We've been here for almost a month and I'm still staring at a blank page as to what I'm gonna do because my landlord said no physical changes(repainting,changing hardware, etc.). My biggest issue right now is the color palette. I want a huge area rug because im not a big fan of the carpet but I dont know where to go with colors and keeping it in my boyfriends liking so we can all be happy! Sorry that I dont really include pictures of the entire area it's a little messy from moving but I wanted to mainly display the colors. The kitchen does flow into the living room so I feel as if I have to keep the same theme and colors through out the living room and kitchen? This is a mess. Your help is very, very appreciated. I might owe you my life.

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