No windows on ground floor
5 years ago
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- 5 years ago
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Affordable Burglar Bars?
Comments (4)One of our rental houses has basement windows that made the single female tenant uneasy. I looked at those burglar bars (and found locally Lowe's was least expensive) but I didn't put them in because of local fire code. (As an aside we do provide curtains or miniblinds for basement windows as well for extra privacy.) Anyway, one time a local police detective told me motion lights are an excellent deterrent. The surprise of the light startles anyone lurking around, and he told me police on patrol at night learn which houses typically have lights on all night, which ones don't, and so if they see lights on where they are usually off they'll take a closer look in case someone has triggered a motion light. He also told me too much landscaping provides hiding places, but thorny bushes strategically placed at windows are great deterrents. It's hard to be a sneaky thief when one's clothing gets all tangled up and skin gets cut by thorns. ;) We already have motion lights in place so what I did do is utilize landscaping. I planted the thorniest bushes I could find right in front of the windows. Rose bushes or barberry. (Be sure to get those pot grown and a good mature size. Lowe's and Home Depot sometimes have good choices, but nurseries often typically offer larger, more mature plants sizes.) Some varieties of roses have 'soft' thorns, but others have wicked bad thorns, large sharp ones with small prickly ones in between. Even heavy winter clothes are not protection, they would leave one in a tangled up mess. I also put in some really thorny barberry bushes (inexpensive, no fuss, they grow fast, too). It's economical, can be pretty too, but you do need to watch little ones closely. I've offered some links below. Here's a quote from this link: Anyone who has crossed a thorny plant or rubbed it the wrong way (pun intended) knows that they can inflict immediate and tremendous pain upon the interloper. Some thorns are sharp and needle-like, others are razor-like, and some would challenge the most devious of torture devices that a Department of Homeland Security engineer might possibly devise!...Nothing says "Keep Out!" like a row of tall barberries or Scottish roses! Home security and perimeter protection Thorny bushes and shrubs planted against your house around windows will help deter people from trying to crawl through. Anything that makes it harder to enter your home or decreases hiding areas will help increase your home security. That quote is from Guardian Alarms Here are Google Image results of Japanese barberry, some of the photos show the sharp thorns hidden by the leaves in warm weather. Hurts to even prune them! Lots of info out there, google "thorny bushes burglar deterrent" or "thorny bushes home security"....See MoreHow to determine R.O. of replacement window
Comments (3)An experienced window person should be able to work from your glass size to get a matching window. Working from rough opening on an old wooden window with sash weights, you'll end up with the new window sash about 4" wider than the old, the increase coming from the weight pockets. IMHO, glass size, sash size, or unit size would be a better way to match what you have. Casey...See MoreBest brands for shutters, window boxes?
Comments (1)Cellwood Vinyl Shutters, find a local LUMBERYARD (not a box store) they should be able to get them for you...See MoreHow to cool condo loft
Comments (14)Condo's are extremely difficult, because if the design of the place doesn't account for HVAC needs you are stuck with what you got. All you can do is go to the condo association and get approved to make changes to exterior. If there is no attic space for ducting, your only real option would be mini split AC. The mini split will have an outdoor condenser and a line set run from that unit to the indoor head that hangs on the wall or if possible a cassette style that is mounted in the ceiling (if there's enough room). The line set of the mini split can be placed behind decorative molding to hide it. This will increase the cost of the job... but the bigger task will be to get it approved by the condo association, not to mention the outdoor condenser that has to sit outside on a slab. The only other option is a window unit, but based on the pictures you show I doubt the window unit will work well. Sizing is important. So no matter what is allowed the sizing of the system in terms of capacity will have to be determined to cool this space properly. If all of this fails and the condo association doesn't budge, the other option is to sell and move. Good luck....See MoreRelated Professionals
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