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Do concrete driveways look cheap?

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

We need to redo our driveway and aprons for various reasons. It currently has black asphalt (see pic in comments). We are looking to do something like the second picture with concrete and brick inlay.

My contractor is telling me that concrete driveways look cheap and it will crack and we will have to clean it weekly. I actually don’t mind if it gets a little darker, because I would prefer more of a beige color than the bright white/gray color of fresh concrete. The picture of what I would like to do doesn’t look cheap to me, but he is adamant that nobody does concrete driveways in our area because they look cheap and aren’t durable.

Is something like this a bad idea?

We live in the Northeast. Did they use some kind of special concrete in the sample picture to make it look nicer? Thanks for the input!

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