Do concrete driveways look cheap?
5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago
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Concrete Driveway cleaning/top coat suggestions?
Comments (6)Here's a follow up video now - with Before/After split screen. There is a huge difference. So far we have only done spot acid treatment of the stains, and power wash to it, but it is significantly better overall. It's so much better than it was, we're hoping this will pass without any issues. I think if we had to go to court, a judge would rule that we improved the appearance more than enough to compensate for any perceived "damage". We will try to get him to sign off on it before trying anything else. Here is a link that might be useful: Before/After Powerwash Video...See MoreDo you think windows without casing look cheap and unfinished?
Comments (36)Oh Marcolo, a monopoly house...really? I'd say this resembles the red monopoly house more than what I'm considering I happen to like the modern farmhouse style, I get not everyone does. And I'm guessing it is the attached three car garage most of you naysayers take issue with. The thing is, we need a three car garage and I fail to see the logic behind moving to an inconvenient location in an attempt to pretend it doesn't exist. Michou: I took a look at the Howard Bracken link and his homes are beautiful. Really perfect for a gorgeous napa location. I'm not sure how well it would translate for my rainy climate or our specific floorplan needs, but I like a lot of the elements he uses. Oakley: I have searched for farmhouses and the problem I run into is that there aren't as many existing floorplans in the 3,500 + sq ft range, plus I'm looking for a fairly specific layout (formal dining, master on main, non-open kitchen, kids room upstairs and attached garage). Also, most farmhouse plans seem to have large porches often wrap arounds. Here in the PNW we are sunlight deprived enough, so I don't need a porch other than a small one to shelter the front door and maybe a small one to grill under off the back of the house. The original elevation of the house is nice, but to me it looks like a nice version of many builder homes out here and it has a French country sort of look or something. I do think it's pretty but its not really "me". I prefer the fresher look of a modern farmhouse. To adapt it too our woodsy setting we will have some cabin-like and maybe even craftsman inspired details, but overall I want to keep it clean and simple. Here are some other modern farmhouses/ modern cabins. I wonder if those in the dislike camp do not care for these either, or if it's just the house I'm considering? I don't think this is all that different...See MoreStain on concrete & brick driveway?
Comments (6)If you consider stain, get someone experienced or prepare test samples months ahead of time. The newly finished stain does not look like what it weathers out to be, and this takes some time. Find a sacrifice place to apply samples. In my research, anything in the blue/green range is said not to hold up outdoors. My only experience is with colors black and English red. The black I disliked greatly at first as it was a dark brown, but it weathered out to be a nice medium-dark grey and now I like it fine. The English red I didn't like and still don't. It is the color of fairly bright rust. Mask of surrounding areas. In spite of how tidily you apply the stain, splatter will be nearly invisible when you're applying the product ... but it will sure be visible, and permanent, later. The stain works on different materials in different ways. I can't guess what it would do to the brick. Also, If you're applying a "thick" layer of stain, it will bleed off onto surrounding surfaces ... like running down the joints of bricks and seeping around their edges....See MoreNew Concrete Driveway Looks Odd
Comments (11)No rain. It’s the cellulite looking surface I find odd. The contractor told before the pour about the limestone rocks sometimes pulling down the surface creating indents and they had to tear out and replace another job because that customer was dissatisfied with the result. Hearing that before the pour was not reassuring. The dark lines are shadows from the power lines. Here’s the surface in daylight Izzy, I didn’t ask that. I asked what did you do and he said the customer had them tear it out. I’ve sent him a long email. I expect we will be having a “conversation” on Tuesday after Labor Day. My user profile here is mixed up. Sorry for any confusion....See MoreRelated Professionals
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