what would you do to improve the exterior of our house?
5 years ago
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- 5 years ago
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What would you do with the front of our house?
Comments (24)Thank you for the praise. It feels good! You know, it's way easier to photoshop than to actually landscape. :) So, yeah, Frenchdressing, send me a photo. Lipton, I'm guessing that when you say formal, you mean you'd like more evergreens, maybe a mixture of defined shapes and natural shapes. Perhaps some border roses in one color? I'll be happy to make another stab in the dark, even if you can just describe colors. When I looked at your house, I thought the garden would look nice if it was all one big gardenia... Dark evergreens, white roses, maybe an evergreen magnolia (not sure what zone you're in). Maybe dark ground cover like vinca or Virginia creeper. I agree that it'd be a good idea, once you know what design you like, to go chat up the garden folks, because I have a black thumb....See MoreWhat major home improvement would you like to make
Comments (42)Lot of things! I would take the sunroom off and add about 6 or 7 feet to the entire back of the house, making my bedroom, both bathrooms and the kitchen bigger. I would make a little cozy sitting room/den/sunroom area off the kitchen. Completely redo the kitchen and add a little bigger dining area. I bought tile flooring for the bathrooms that never got put in so that would have to be done, actually the baths need to be redone, they aren't horrible but I can't stand fiberglass tubs. If I had the money I would put in real porcelin. I'd put in Pergo all through the house and get rid of the carpet. I only have it in the kitchen right now. I don't really care about granite counters to I'd just put in some nice looking Corian or laminate in both baths and kitchen. Then I'd put in a brick patio area out back with raised bed gardens for my vegetables. I'd then have a landscaper come in and fix my existing beds, making a Japanese style garden out front, complete with koi pond (that I would hire someone else to take care of-LOL!) with the little bridge over, etc...( : I'd also have a couple dwarf fruit trees put out on the side yard: apple and cherry. Take out the pear tree out front and put in a big Sugar Maple....See MoreImproving Curb Appeal - What would you do to improve curb appeal?
Comments (15)Shutters should appear to be operable, so they would need to be as wide as the window... so if closed, they would cover the window. So no shutters on your house. I agree with taking out the boxwood that have been butchered. If you take the bed all the way to the sidewalk, you need a pocket bed on the left side. Yes to learn more about pruning the Crepe Myrtle. Ever heard of Crepe Murder? It's a thing. LOL Honestly you don't even have to prune them. We had several over 30ft tall at our last house, but you don't want one too tall right next to the house. Having lived in the South all my life, I don't have a problem with the grass since we get rain. No idea where you live, but the grass looks healthy. Unless you want to spend every weekend gardening, or hire a gardener, I would not go to the extreme of removing the grass. If there room for a wooden bench on the front porch?...See MorePlease help us improve the aesthetic of our home's "meh" exterior!
Comments (1)Some option to go with the same color as siding for garage and dark ( you can pick color from stones) for front doors....See MoreRelated Professionals
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