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Grafted Red Oak, Vertical Cracks - Oak Wilt (Bretziella Fagacearum)?

Fuad Efendi
4 years ago


I have this young Red Oak tree planted by City of Toronto, it is strange that it is grafted and top branch is taped (Government plants grafted and duct taped Red Oaks???). Maybe 8' tall. It is less than two years in this location. Full sun area, strong winds, harsh Winter.

This Spring I removed supporting stake (and I removed it from smaller and thinner European Beech which is doing Ok)

Last week I noticed top branch wilting, yellow leaves; and black cracks from top to bottom on all sides of tree; and definitely "pressure pads" under bark, in some places it is like "bubbles" under bark, soft, I can press it and it feels soft.

What is could be? Today I had professional Arborist who federal agency who said it is most probably not "Oak Wilt" because it doesn't smell fruity, and to be sure they will need to cut part of trunk and do lab analysis. Which is strange for me... they had to be more determinant and confiscate tree, it would be 1st case in Ontario, Canada; or at least: what is that? Is it dangerous?

Could you help please identify disease?

Here are pictures:

New growth from stock, and from scion:

"Pressure Pad":

Fly drinks juice (is it "fruity"?):

Another fly, can it be transmitted by flies?

By ants?

Single top branch wilting, rapidly:

Thank you

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