Color Experts, help me pick a green
5 years ago
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Help me pick a green for my kitchen, plz
Comments (3)Well, I bought the Brookside Moss. It will probably be a few weeks before I paint it since we are in a slow building process. I hope I don't change my mind before then!...See MoreBM colour experts, need help picking a colour
Comments (3)Linen white is a stock off-white that many people (including myself) love. Ballet white (OC-9) is supposed to be completely neutral and is very light. I think Elephant Tusk (OC-8) is wonderful, but it may be a little too dark for you. It is the same as Ivory Porcelain (239)....See MoreColor experts please help - yellow or green?
Comments (18)Rosie, thanks for the vote for yellow. I am not color blind but I don't have an eye for color shades or tones so I'm not sure if there is gray in the white. The cabs are KM Dove White and they look pretty white to me. Do you know how I can tell if there is gray in it? I am going to try and take a picture of the 9 in base cab I put in the kitchen so I could see how it looks next to the yellow. Maybe that will help. I too like calming color. I'm not one for contrast and that's why I am a bit undecided on the dark green granite. Green, yes, my fear is that while I don't love contrast, I don't want none at all and I feel that the pale yellow may be too pale! The same can be said for a light green v. a dark green. I have a friend with dark colors in her home (well, dark to me) and I would have to say that her home is "warm". I have light colors all throughout and while it is "cool", I don't consider it cold because I have lace curtains, touches of black, floral fabrics and pillows but I know, I like light colors which is funny because I wear a lot of black. Yes, Steph2000, that's the same color in the kitchen now as the dining room. I don't know if I can still get this paint. HD stopped the FreshAire line and the PO painted the house before we bought it and most of the rooms are this pale yellow. I fell in love with this house the second I saw it but I was living in a flood ravaged apartment so anything was better than the apt. They had painted the living a soft pale blue (I think because we have the original 1940 yellow/blue bath). I love blue skies but I prefer green in the house so I repainted the living room a nice sage green which appears mint sometimes but dark in the evening. It's crazy how colors change with the time of day. Cawaps, you are correct! You have a very good eye. That is Behr's Restful and I really like that color. I grew up in a house that was all white with dark wood trim, all of my apartments were all white and now I live in a house that has pale yellow or sage green. I guess you could say I am really color challenged. I just love yellow for the kitchen but I don't think that tan sink works and I'm just not sure with the white cabs. The green looks a lot better next to the white cabs but then if I get the green granite, too much of a good thing? I didn't think of yellow as energizing . . my yellow is pale and I don't see any gold in it but I do think green is more calming. That Turtle Dove sounds lovely - I will have to check it out. I think if I go with green, I will have more options as far as BS, sink color and countertop. Lavender, thank you for joining in my chant to finish the kitchen. Will it ever be done? I wanted to pick the paint last but DH is getting someone to help him fix the plaster walls since he had to move plumbing and electric and he wants to paint at the same time. At this point, I don't have my heart set on anything. I had my heart set on a farm sink and marble countertop and well that just didn't happen. I didn't give up and I'm not really disappointed but let's just say I'm open to other things now. I will checkout the leaf green suggestion. Again, I am challenged with tones but at least I have a direction to move in. Thank you! Fori, yes, cats look better in green for sure! The paint will probably happen just like the door style, I just picked the one I liked best! And, I can just adjust the counter, sink and BS accordingly based on whether I go with the green or the yellow. Thank you. Christine, I hope you are feeling better! Yes, I don't like tan and yellow together but I like yellow and green together! While both DH and I love that tan sink, it's not going to work unless I go with the green. That tan sink might be one of those things that I love but just won't work in my space. I really wanted a shiny white sink but maybe I will just get the SS sink - SS goes with everything but wait I have a chrome faucet. Argh! Angie, did you choose one of those colors for your space? The kitchen is tiny and I guess my dilemma is really that yellow will make it larger and brighter and green will be more smoothing and give me more choices for the countertop although I am sure I could probably find one of each that would do it all! Thank you all for posting!...See MoreHelp picking green paint color!
Comments (6)If you post images of your selections, you'll get more answers. Few people will want to search to see the color of Nomadic Desert or your countertops/floor tile....See MoreRelated Professionals
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