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Horrible Smell from Marvin Integrity Windows Installed 1 month ago

5 years ago

We had 23 Marvin Integrity windows installed 1 month ago..the interior is wood and the exterior is the Ultrex (fiberglass). I noticed a chemical smell as they were being unwrapped but I thought it would go away once opened....it hasn't. We have spent money and time trying to eliminate this odor. It is not the caulking/foam that was used to install them, as I stated they had a chemical odor before installation. Marvin has not been very helpful and they just keep telling us that the smell will go away but they can't give a time frame....the company we purchased the windows from hasn't been too helpful either. Our house is 1700 sq feet and with 23 windows the smell permeates the entire house. We have tried "baking the house" for several days at around 87 degrees to speed up off gassing, we have a whole ventilating system (using box fans, opening windows and using air purifiers) we have been doing for the past few weeks...nothing is helping. If anyone has any recommendations we would be grateful or similar experiences and how long this is last. Others visiting our house have commented that it smells like fiberglass resin. We are miserable from the chemical smell. Thank you!

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