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Alocasia/Colocasia Care Tips Wanted

5 years ago

Hello, I am looking for advise on improving my care habits for my alocasia and colocasia.

My colocasia esculenta Elena was purchased from the pond landscaping section of my local nursery. It was displayed with the pot partially submerged in water which is how I've left it in my home (the pot containing the plant and soil is placed in a larger plastic container which I keep filled with water). It lives next to a west-facing window where it gets lots of bright afternoon light and I do believe it a bit of sunlight on the leaves in the afternoon (which I've heard I should consider preventing??). It is doing really well and has thrown two new leaves since bringing it home three weeks ago. Just wondering if I should continue these conditions, as I've started to notice some browning around the edges of the older leaves. I can't tell if the browning is from sunlight or watering habits.

I have an alocasia odora on the way variegata on the way to me in the mail and I am super nervous about keeping this one alive and looking good, as it is very beautiful and was a bit pricey. I have not cared for a variegated plant of this size. Can I use the same practices as with my colocasia or should I refrain from partially submerging and water often instead?

I live in an apartment with large south and west facing windows. I have spots where a plant can get a substantial amount of bright light during the day. I do have a balcony but it gets direct light during the afternoon that I have no way of shielding plants from. I do not have the option of planting these guys in the ground. I know that they can get quite large and that they go dormant in the winter. I live in zone 5b/6a, at altitude in Colorado.


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