Please give us curb appeal!
5 years ago
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- 5 years ago
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Help me give this house some curb appeal! (Photos)
Comments (11)Notice that both designers removed the shrubs and grass and filled the entire bed with ornamental plants. Good choice. Regardless of what you plant, start the planting outside of the rainshadow caused by the roof overhang. That will be better for the plants and give you space to do maintenance such as washing windows. If you stand across the street opposite the front door and take a photo of the whole yard side to side, you may get good suggestions for tree placement. (If it's too wide stand in the same spot but take three photos: 1 straight on, one pivoting right and one pivoting left) I usually prefer trees not in line with the front door since as one grows it may make the entrance more difficult to see. I also discourage the use of rock mulch in areas like Chicago that have to deal with heavy rain and snow removal since they will get moved around and will need to be moved off the drive and walk and out of the grass. Your lawnmower can fling stone hard enough to do damage. For the downspout, if you want to plant a climbing rose, add a hard prune clematis with it to best hide/distract from it; many roses have rather sparse foliage. Provide an ornamental trellis and clip the rose to it so the rose doesn't grow around the downspout. (One of my more vigorous climbing roses sent canes between the downspout and the house which needed to be cut out.) You could also do the same between the windows and at the far end. Think about having something that won't be just bare in the winter, whether it is evergreens, shrubs with colored bark, a tree with a great winter silhouette out in the yard, or ornamental trellis that will look nice in winter once the clematis is cut off it. Winter can be long in zone 5! Whatever plants you decide to put in, research their size potential on reputable sites such as the Missouri Botanical Garden's plant finder. Nursery tags tend to give size at 5 years, but many can get quite a bit larger....See MoreBrightening up our house and giving it curb appeal
Comments (6)Removing those two trees closest to the house (the ones that appear to lean toward it) might be helpful in opening things up and making the front brighter. The board and batten style siding and the "X" trim on the porch give a very rustic cabin-like feeling. If you'd prefer white, you'll get more of a farmhouse look. It may work fine with the natural brick. Much depends on roof color. Very popular look now is all white with black windows. I would probably ditch the shutters if going for a more contemporary farmhouse. If you like rustic, you might keep them....See MoreLooking to give more curb appeal without spending a ton of money
Comments (15)kitasei thank you. The house was built into the 80s and came with an ugly orange stamped concrete. It took me several years to finally convince my husband to shell out the money for the pavers. We chose the same ones for around out pool our back and I couldn't be happy we did it. Where would you suggest the climbing rose? On the right side of the garage? I'm heading to a local nursery this morning. The guys that work there have been amazing in the past so hopefully he can help me....See MoreCurb appeal....What needs to be done to give a WOW factor?
Comments (27)Like the landscaping in the mock ups by celerygirl.for if you keep the sidewalk direct from door to road across the front yard. If you do keep it, you might "widen" it a bit by outlining it in pavers that you could also use to outline your planting beds ... with the tops of the pavers ground level for easy mowing. Especially like the shed roof mock up that extends the full width of the cantilevered overhang -- looks good; the gables would interfere with the look of the upstairs (wouldn't do that ... and I'm usually a fan of forward facing gables over front doors., You could even add a hip roof on that right corner and wrap your porch around the side of the house ... perhaps to reach a side or back screened porch. celerygirl has serious skills. Would "like" her work but Houzz has stopped letting me "like" (thumps up) comments.,...See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 5 years agolast modified: 5 years agoAlex thanked Celery. Visualization, Rendering images
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- 5 years agolast modified: 5 years agoAlex thanked Celery. Visualization, Rendering images
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