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Completely overwhelmed with dead leaves in spring

It doesn't matter how much I rake in the fall, as soon as I clear the beds there are 5,789,335,962 (that's just an estimate) leaves ready to take their place. The northern winter winds are broken behind us by landforms, but between the fall and spring when winds are switching between south and north, and the occasional beast of a southern winter wind that hits us full on, I am losing the battle. I leave the seed heads on Echinacea to feed birds, and right now I went to rake one foot of leaves caught in the old stems. That same scenario is repeated over and over, especially in any crack or crevice in the rock landscaping. The grass is wind-whipped clean, and all the leaves end up trapped in my garden beds. If peonies rot from leaf cover, I'm in big trouble. I haven't even been able to wade through to get to them yet.

Is there anything I can do in fall to prevent this? Does anybody line their garden with a barrier? I have some of that thick mesh "stuff" on stakes, about 2-3 feet high, that contractors use when they expose dirt to keep it from running off. I can line some areas with that, if it would work.

I don't care about the leaves if the plants don't care, but some of them do care quite a bit. They don't like sleeping with leaves. Those are the plants I'm worried about.

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