Help needed to improve curb appeal for my new house!
5 years ago
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Help needed with curb appeal for our new house
Comments (9)My first thought on reading your question was that you'd precluded the one thing I immediately thought of, which was to remove the camellia near the door. It unfortunately does not appear to be the dying plant you have your eye on. So I had to think about this one a bit. This forum is a little different from Home Dec, and some of the differences cause us to move a little slower! Obviously the front of your house had the same effect on me as on Rhodium. I've included a link to a question recently posted here with similar problems although the house style is very different. You may be able to appreciate the effect of a blocking plant and a dark door if you see something similar on someone else's house. You may still decide not to change it, of course! The palm by the driveway gives a little character in what seems to be a cookie cutter neighbourhood, so more power to you for keeping it. Given that you don't have much time, the prime part of the look you're after - manicured - may be best achievable just by pruning those boxwoods. But for the colour objective, you either have the wrong plants in, or not enough plants. To add plants you pretty much have to add beds, which means adding work. You see again how your parameters have somewhat precluded helping you get what you want :-) So I'm going to go around your parameters to make suggestions, and let you sort out which ones you do want to flex on if any. I would take out the camellia and put your decorative pot under your house number, not in the doorway. I would also paint the front door a brighter colour. Then I'd use the area next to the front door for your colour bed; it's small, but I think you'd enjoy it coming and going. Prune the boxwoods as well as the bushes to the left which are getting a bit shapeless, and maybe replace those grassy things in front of them with annuals or perennials that you like. Light coloured hostas would work in my zone and provide longer term interest than plants that have only flower interest. If you really want more planting beds, I would add them out further in the yard, something like an island bed out toward the left corner. KarinL Here is a link that might be useful: wanting a welcoming entry...See MoreHow would you improve curb appeal on my house?
Comments (43)You could use some help from the LD forum on this landscaping. Since you didn't pick the hollies and aren't attached to them, I'll be blunt: for my eye there's not much you can do with paint colours or house details to distract from the very unfortunate placement of those bushes. I'm not saying they couldn't be useful if you combined them with some other landscaping (the other forum people tend to be better at foundation planting issues than I am), but on their own at that height they... are unnecessary, to put it mildly. The house has a very nice foundation, nothing to hide. Do any similar houses in your area have no foundation planting with more greenery further out in the yard instead? I might be inclined to put such a hedge perpendicular to the house if anywhere in that yard, perhaps along the side property line. Cutting them and fleshing out the beds further into the yard with more plantings in front of them might help. I think they will sprout from below if cut back, but check that on the shrubs forum perhaps, or someone on LD might know. KarinL...See MoreImprove Curb Appeal of My Existing Home
Comments (12)Brick: I think your brick is very attractive; I would not paint it. I do think the railing would look better if painted black or dark green. Landscape: Your pictures are very dark--is that a Japanese maple in the front of the house in the flower bed? Those shrubs might look better if they were shaped. Flowering shrubs and annuals would be an improvement, too. Not the time of year, I know. Paging Dig Doug's Designs! He has terrific ideas. I am not sure how much room you have on the right side, but I think an arbor would look really nice over there or in the front of your house with some climbing roses or other vines like clematis. Windows: I am not a professional, but I think your mini blinds do not go with the style of your home. Sheers or lace curtains would seem to look better. If you can't open your windows because they are nailed shut, it's time to think about new windows. I know you hate your brick and think your house is unattractive, but I don't think it looks that bad. This is the time of year when flowers fade and leaves fall. In my area, it seems cloudy and/or rainy/snowy all the time. Can't wait to see what you do with the place. Good luck!...See MoreNeed to improve curb appeal on orange brick house
Comments (7)roby_tijerina, I think there is a lot of potential in your home! Yes the garage is the prominent element but there are a few creative ways you can counter that. There are couple things that I noticed right away that can have a dramatic impact to your home's appearance. And I would probably change these things before I added any elements or changed any color because they could change the way you see your home. 1. Carry your entrance walkway to the sidewalk. When contractors turn the walk to the driveway they save money but this is a physical and visual disconnect for your home's entry. Also, it's subtle, but the design of your current walkway is drawing more attention to your garage/driveway as the more important feature. Carrying the walkway to the sidewalk would help defer some of that attention from your driveway/garage and tell the passerby that they have a safe, comfortable way to approach your home. 2. Much of your landscaping is all one level, Tall. I love trees but too much of a good thing can sometimes be a bad thing. I would recommend creating some visual interest in your landscaping by including some low and medium sized plants. Colorful plants help tremendously! Landscaping can also be used to draw or defer attention. Right now your garage is "peering" through your landscaping and it immediately jumps out at you. In this instance, landscaping should be used in a way that takes you on a journey and draws more attention to your front door. Hope these help! If you have an questions, please let me know. You might also find some inspiration on our website. We've helped many homeowners just like you tackle their design problems. EDIT: roby_tijerina, I must apologize, I overlooked the major piece of information that you are trying to sell your home. I thought I would mention that we offer a digital design service that can show off the potential in your home to prospective buyers. It might be just the thing you need to draw attention to your home without putting a bunch of money into it. Just a thought. Good luck!...See MoreRelated Professionals
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