Should I keep these sofas?
5 years ago
Replace the sofas
Keep the sofas
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- 5 years ago
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Comments (39)Everyone has been most helpful. Thank you for all the suggestions. I think gayle brought up a good point about having both lamps on the fireplace wall. I tried some different arrangements and decided I did not like the ginger jar lamp on the drapery wall though as it competes/clashes with my drapes. I feel it works best to the right of the fireplace. However, I swapped the floor lamp and the drum table, moved some of the items closer together plus took down some of the wall decor and would like feedback to see if I'm on the right track. Galye's idea of moving the curio to the left side does not work. There is no pic yet in the little red frame, but that is the plan. Here it is with the gold shade back. Perhaps it does not look so off now that the floor lamp has moved. I'm going to go back to Lamps Plus tomorrow and look at some different shapes in gold. I haven't been able to find a black one in the size I need and even with the excellent virtuals squirrel has provided, I'm a bit leary of ordering one online. squirrel: I really appreciate all of your PS virtuals. I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating. You are incredibly talented. If I could please ask (when life settles down) if you could PS the sconces on either side of the painting in the above picture. I am not quite decided it I want the sconces there or elsewhere. I did try the floor lamp where you placed it and from that perspective I really like it, but from the other angle it blocks the view more than I would like of my drapery. While I do love the virtuals of the pics to either side of the fireplace IRL it just feels like the pictures are competing with one another as the room is not that large. With the taller table top decor to either side of the fireplace (which I still need to work on), I'm thinking perhaps I don't need so many pics on the wall. I also liked Les' idea of putting some greenery/plants in the sconces instead of the candles. Les, can you suggest any particular plants or place to shop for them? Do you see it as more upright or cascading? Here is a close up of my corner curio: It was not a deal and I paid more than I wanted to. I spied it some months ago at an antique store, but didn't get it since I was not far enough along with this room. When I decided a few months later I still wanted it and had not seen anything on CL for sale, I decided to go back to the antique store and bought it. They didn't want to haggle on the price, though it was on a 10% off sale. I still need to work on items for the center shelf. I just love the little key that I need to use to open the cabinets. squirrel, did you notice the fern on top like you had added (though yours does cascade better than mine)? Do you even realize how much influence you've had on this room? You picked out my floor lamp too....See MoreWhat should I keep; what should I change?
Comments (15)Update - so it's been a few months and a lot of work but some changes have been made. Two of the three trees down the left/driveway side have been moved to the rear. I opted to leave the third since the city-supplied Acer on the left is not doing well and will be removed shortly. The Nootka cypress near the front door has been replaced with a weeping "Viradis" Japanese maple. The bed around the front porch has been expanded to wrap around the porch and includes a purple fountain weeping beech, as well as more rhodos, hydrangeas, pennisetum, liatris and phlox sublata. I'm still working on filling in this space with more of the same. I took Yardvaark's suggestion and incorporated the Acer on the right into the bed close to it. I also added some festuca glauca and campanula carpatica to the bed. The Nootka cypresses in this bed are also stressed after a very hot summer (most of which was while the irrigation system was being put in) so I'm not sure if they will make it. Any replacement suggestions? I did get rid of one of the "mouse ears" by adding it to the corner bed. I still intend to change the other side but that may be next year's project since the landscaping budget is scraping the bottom of the barrel for now....See MoreShould I knock down fireplace wall for open concept or keep it up?
Comments (30)Before I did anything, I'd think long and hard about how I want to use the space and how I want to live in the space. Do you like having lots of noise and seeing everyone and everything? Do you all listen to the same music all the time? Mind someone else's TV watching? Is media viewing central to your main activities in the house? Do you want to have a quiet space? A reading area? Do you have hobbies that should be accommodated? Work from home? Do you use a formal dining room? Do you entertain a lot? If so, is it casual or more formal? Do you have/will you have children and need to keep an eye on them? Need play space? Storage? To me, regardless of how a room may have originally been designed, it needs to fit *your* lifestyle. For example, if you don't dine formally, why have space for that? Once you've thought about how much time you spend doing which activities, then it's easier to figure out how much space you want to devote to which. I view a house as a "plant" that is designed to support the activities and functions that take place in the house. It's how you use it that will determine the layout. Once you figure that out, you'll know whether the fireplace is a help or a hindrance to your lifestyle. Open concept is visually impressive but very public and noisy to live with. A la Sarah Susanka, open concept is great provided you also have an "away" space where you can be private and cozy and away from the madding crowd. We have "open concept" with our Kit, FR, Brk Nook all open to each other. There are only the 2 of us and it seems to work. But we also have away spaces which we use often as well. We've found a balance of the 2 is best for us. That may be a consideration for you....See MoreRelated Professionals
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