Can a shower niche be installed on a shower that's already tiled?
5 years ago
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- 5 years ago
- 5 years ago
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Help! Can A Just Tiled Kerdi Shower Niche Only Be Redone?
Comments (7)"You really learn from your mistakes. Never did a remodel before & had no help. You can look at a million pictures & think in your head how yours will look & then be so off." You had a contractor and a tile installer ... there is your "help" right there. They are the experienced professionals and should be advising you as to what will work and what won't. The tile installer, if he knew anything about tile at all, should have advised you about how the edges of the tile would look without trim. That he went ahead and laid it that way and left it that way is ridiculous. It looks bad and reflects badly on him. Vote for StoneTech's solution, and while I like Tre's, too, I'd be concerned about losing available space inside the niche if the tile wasn't demo'd first. If setting a prefab box on top of the existing tile, I'd make sure there was room for the size of the shampoo bottles you intend to store there....See MoreContractor did not install a shower niche! Is it too late? (photo)
Comments (17)He Jeff, that's where we were at the end of the day, tempered glass if I could get it. But this girl really wants a pretty niche. There are so many gorgeous and creative ones depicted here on Houzz, and entire articles about them. But as for a corner shelf, yes to that too, I think I want both. My contractor and I just exchanged texts and he's on board, I don't know why I made such a fuss....See MoreShow me your shower niches and/or accent tiles--
Comments (50)Thank you for posting that example! I was just checking in on this thread hoping to see an example of where I might locate it on a tub/shower wall in terms of height since I will want to access it while lying down as well as while standing. Not a big deal (obviously!!!) but I want it to look right and to function right. I'm sure he is going to lose it on me. I have found all of this quite stressful at a time when work is also quite stressful. Oh well. This, along with a couple of the bathroom rated command hooks for loofahs and we should be all good for storage sice none of my bottles are more than 13 inches tall. I was not thinking quite clearly yesterday when I went to the Tile Shop. I wonder if he will also charge me $200 for tiling the little one? I hope not. He really seems lacking in creativity and a desire to do anything beyond what he "has seen" or certainly to do what I want; first on today's agenda will be me telling him that we are going to find a way to recess a medicine cabinet in a structural wall (after all it does support only the roof, not another whole story). He told me yesterday it would be impossible to do so. I really think he usually just doesn't want to do the work or put in the effort and hopes I will just take him at his word if he seems unpleasant enough to deal with. What s smart strategy! It really is not reflected in his other AL reviews but maybe they just took it as him being a seasoned authority. I probably should remind him I am an Angie's list member....See MoreShower Niche -- "It doesn't matter when it was installed" --Waterprfg?
Comments (8)The niche as well as the bench are constructed at the same time and are waterproofed integrally. I just finished a remodel which included a shower with niche and bench. The bench was waterproofed as part of the construction of the shower pan. I'm in SoCal but that is NOT hot mop. I live in a high rise and although it looks like hot mop it's actually cold substance which is more flexible than hot mop. Per Code, hot mop is not allowed in high rise buildings. The niche was waterproofed along with the walls - this is a picture with the first layer of Red Guard. A second layer was applied after this picture. Bench is to the left and was waterproofed with the floor of shower This is shower niche with first layer of Red Guard....See MoreRelated Professionals
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