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Do I have room for a grand piano?

Lara S
5 years ago
Our living room measures 20’ x 15’. We currently have a digital piano and wanted to get an upright piano. My brother has to temporarily put his baby grand piano in storage and it would be a win-win for all if we manage to find a cozy spot for it in our living room.
I was thinking we could put the piano where the rocking chair is and move the drawer chest to the side. Is there a better solution that I can’t see?

Some constraints:
- Behind where the electric behind is, there is an air return vent that we can’t block with solid furniture.
- there is a column behind the couch that we need to consider in any furniture rearrangement (otherwise, we keep running into it...)
- Seeing as it’s a temporary arrangement , changing the furniture is not an option at the moment.

Thanks for your help!

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