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help with new hardwood floor installation for matching some old floors

5 years ago

Hello, we have some 30 years old red oak hardwood floors in the kitchen area. We'd like to install new hardwood floors in two other rooms (next to the kitchen). I cannot decide if we should do the onsite finishing or install prefinished floors. We will refinish the kitchen area floors as well. The issue is the old floors have lots of gaps which cannot be filled/fixed by the refinishing. I compared the samples of on-site finished floors (seamless finish, no gaps) with the prefinished floors (have the bevels). My impression was the bevels of the prefinished floors will match well with those gaps on the refinished old floors. But the installer highly recommend us to do the on-site finish for best match. What should I choose? Please give me your suggestions!

Also, is the prefinished floors are oil based which will get yellower over time? If we do the onsite finish, which will be water based, will it be more stable in color? What about sun bleach since our two new floors will get lots of sunlight.

Thank you!

I attach a picture of our current kitchen floors.

We have lots of oak cabinets (dark honey color), We're thinking refinish the floors to natural color (no stain). Any comments and suggestions are appreciated!

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