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Landscape ideas to improve front yard of split level home

5 years ago

I have removed a lot of bushy plants and now it is BARE

There is only one Japanese maple left and its very nice in the summer:

At this point, all the stumps were pulled:

Here is the side look from the left

This is the look from inside basement window out. Again the stumps are gone now and the ground area is quite spacious to do anything:

The entire slope is estimated to be 50'x25'. I can do a lot of with it but I try to find the most value and nicest options. But most importantly, it must be nice quick (FYI, I can't wait for 1 year to regrow something LOL). For examples:

1. Leave the lawn alone but put some flower plants and shrubs on the bare dirt now. But what plants are best?

2. Replace the lawn with SOD

3. Remove all the lawn and replace the slope with 2-level retaining walls. Then low level flowers

Any other ideas? Option 1 is probably fastest and cheapest. I am in the Pacific Northwest and Spring is coming up.

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