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Paul Barden’s Rose Varieties Are Becoming Rare

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

I am writing this post following some correspondence that I have had with Paul that began a couple of months back. Originally, I contacted Paul to discuss the idea of placing some of his rose varieties in the new Rose Garden at the Summerland Ornamental Gardens in the Southern Okanagan of British Columbia, in order to display his work. Paul was pleased with the idea, but when we began to discuss sources for his roses, he told me that he had lost many of his roses in his personal collection to a very bad winter in 2015. He also advised me that Rogue Valley Roses no longer has some of his varieties and they are not regularly propagating others, so his roses are becoming difficult to find.

Hence this post, which is in fact a request to help gather wood for cuttings which will be propagated as a first step to ensure that Paul’s Roses are not lost. Paul has given me permission to write this post and supports our idea to build a secure collection of mother plants to make certain there is a source for these beautiful varieties. My partner in this project and to give credit where credit is most certainly due, is John Prendergast, john_ca on the forum, who in fact will be doing the propagating of cuttings at his property in California.

Now to the details of what we wish to do and how we foresee it will work. We are asking for help from anyone who has mature plants of any of Paul’s varieties as listed in the second last paragraph below and is willing to help, to take appropriate cuttings within the next month and send them to John. It is most likely that the places where roses are at the right stage for taking cuttings are California and other Southwestern States. If you have appropriate plants and would like to help, please PM John through this site. You can do that by going to one of John’s posts, clicking on his screen name and then clicking message on the page that comes up. We would ask that only those who are keen, willing and able to assist, preferably with more than one needed variety to contact John. For some reason, we suspect there may be a fairly significant response to this post and we do not want to overwhelm poor John if we can avoid it.

John already has plants of Jerri Jennings, Mel’s Heritage, Oshun, Janet Inada and Won Fang Yon, so we do not need wood from those varieties. Paul has plants of Ellen Toffelmeir, Carolin Supinger, Unconditional Love and Gallicandy, so those too are accounted for. We also know of a soon to open commercial source, Hummingbird Roses, for Golden Buddha, October Moon, and Pam's Choice. Mindy, the owner, has offered to work with John.

The list of other varieties that we are particularly wishing to acquire is: Treasure Trail, Licorice Tea, Allegra, Marianne, Siren’s Keep, Barbara Oliva, Hettie, Ettiene, Mel Hulse and Joyce Barden. We know there are others as well.

The final stage of the project will be to approach two further reliable Canadian commercial growers with whom John and I have worked previously; see “A new source of vintage David Austin Roses”; and ask if they are interested in preserving and offering Paul Barden's Roses as part of their collections.

Please wish us luck and help us out if you can.

Cheers, John, Rick and Paul

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