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paint woes for family room

6 years ago

We just did a major reno in the kitchen, the cabinets are simply white which I love, the walls are classic gray which I don’t, but can live with until I think of something better. the family room is a separate room but connects. If I loved the classic gray I would carry it into family room, but since I don’t, I would like to choose something different that will still work with the classic gray.

we have wood floors and trim which is staying, and I know that many will say to paint it, but it stays. I have a teal coloured couch set that stays, and a dark wood tv stand that stays, as well as an antique buffet. I will replace the chair and the drapes, and I can change small things like cushions. we spent most of our budget in the kitchen, so this room pretty much just gets paint

Hahaha...please disregard kitchen stuff on top wall unit. Last picture is the sofa set colour

The walls are currently camoflague, and I have liked it, maybe not love, but it was nice, not sure I want to keep it though. I was sure I wanted to change it to BM gray cashmere but after buying a can and painting a very large piece of wall have decided I hate it.

My problem is that I am not even sure what I want...I don’t like anything too dark, or anything too muddy. I think I like to stay kinda on the fence between warm and cool. I don’t like things to get too modern looking, and I would say I maybe leaning towards transitional. I love neutral, but not stark white

I have mostly looked at Benjamin moore, and my dealer does not have sample sizes, so it’s hard to try too many. There are no other choices in my area.

gray owl is pretty but looks kinda muddy



edgecomb gray...too beige

revere pewter,....too dark

I looked at a few others online like healing aloe, quiet moments,tranquility, but my dealer does not have those paint chips, so I would need to travel over 100 miles to get them. I could, but would like your expert advice before I go, lest I get sidetracked

Any ideas? I just want this to be a comfy cozy room. I am terribe at picking colour and don’t know if I like it until the whole room is done. Last time we painted I think we painted the whole room 3 times. Hubby says the room is getting smaller because of paint layers.

also, any idea what to do with the cieling trim? it did have wood trims, but we painted it because it looked odd, should it look better painted white? Thanks for any help you can give.


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