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Wall color makes me hate couches? Or couches make me hate wall color?

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

Hi, all - I definitely have a dilemma. After much time and money spent on professional painting/plaster repair, new couches, carpet, etc., I am finding that I sort of hate the finished look. I was happy enough with the new color on the walls (BM Greenmount silk), but then the new furniture arrived, and now I'm finding that the look of these different elements together has me hating them all (my husband is going to kill me, lol!) What happened? The couches are covered in sort of a slate gray-blue velvet. Is my eye playing tricks on me? Or is the wall color causing the couches to read more blue? And, are the couches, in turn, causing the walls to read as more of an acid green? Help! And what can be done? Could I tone down whatever is causing this by painting the walls in BM camouflage? The lighting in this pic isn't great for showing the problem, but my slate couches are looking like a yucky royal blue against the now acid green-yellow of the walls What to do?!!! TIA

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