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Master Bedroom - starting over

6 years ago

We're starting over with our master bedroom and I'm hoping for some inspiration and guidance!
I posted a little while back, and everyone recommended we repaint, so after some debate hubby is on board with repainting. With that in mind...

Here's what's staying:
-this new bed
-I like the moon paintings but they don't HAVE to stay
-the dog crate is gone, he now gets a big boy bed, but there has to be room for that somewhere in the room

Here's my challenges:
-the bedding can't be light colored. we have bad well water and it's just not worth hours of my sanity trying to keep everything from turning red. yes, I've tried it all.
-we have baseboard heat, so curtains can't go to the floor or they prevent our bedroom from being heated.

Here's what I'm thinking:
-Either purple or pink as an accent color? I love rich eggplant walls, but I know sometimes purple walls don't end up looking like you've imagined so I'm ok with keeping them neutral and using accents instead
-"Rustic Glam" (I know that's not a thing - but I like shiny/rich feeling materials mixed with cozy touches)
-We have a relatively small budget, $500-1000 for all the remaining stuff - bedding, lamps, decor, maybe a dresser or chair for the corner (we have a separate walk in closet)

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

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