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Exposed Roof Decking with Snow

6 years ago

We are currently building a home that is in the framing stage. The roof decking which is composed of premium OSB was put up with felt paper. After a couple of days the felt paper ripped off while our builder waited to order our shingles. This was two weeks ago. Last week it rained an inch, and today we got a foot of snow. Currently we have a foot of snow sitting on top of our uncovered roof decking (no felt) which has already been sitting unprotected for 2 weeks. Is this a problem? Our builder is telling us something about everything being pretreated wood so it will be fine. But literally there is a foot of snow just sitting on our roof decking without any felt. By the time all this melts it will be a month. What would be reasonable for me to ask the builder? It is a very large home and I do not see them wanting to replace all of the decking. The picture below is what it looked like 2 weeks ago. Since even more of the black paper has come off prior to the foot of snow we just got.

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