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Farmhouse style living room with modern industrial kitchen?

6 years ago

We just bought a house that was bare bones, builders grade plainness and have been slowly rennovating to bring it up to date and to our tastes. Kitchen has been priority so far and are soon moving on to the adjoining living room. We wanted to go with a warmer, brighter farmhouse feel for the living room (first room upon entry) to make the house more inviting. I have tons of questions so any and all input is welcome and thank you to everyone who sticks with me to the end lol. Side note, please ignore the general clutter and bad lighting, I snapped these pics quickly specifically for this post.

We are almost done with the kitchen (will post more pics further down since I can only attach 4 at a time). Things that are already planned/to note: 1) Getting a stainless steel fridge. Current fridge is perfectly functional for the time being however, but it's soon on the list. 2) The brown blinds, not sure if we should do a different color or do away with them entirely. That door leads to an extension built after original construction which we turned into our pool room (as in billiards), not to the outside. 3) The floors, also eventually on the list but low priority. 4). New barstools. Previous owners left those junky ones, they were originally the same honey oak the entire kitchen was in, but I just painted them the same color as the cabinets until we get new ones. 5) PAINT. Holy moly I'm sick of the creamy off-white literally everywhere in this house. What color to paint the kitchen has me the most stumped, as I don't want to do anything to darken the room further, yet I don't want anything too white that, imo, blands the whole room.

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