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Can I mix this coffee table with my couch and dining table?

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

I know next to nothing about design. I recently learned a lot of the stuff I gravitate towards is MCM, although its really natural wood and sleek lines that draws me. For that reason I almost bought a modern farmhouse dining table (this was before I knew what any of these terms were) but passed once I found the dining table in the photos.

In the attached photos: I own the couch and dining table already. I want to get the coffee table because I'm a huge fan of the blue stone and non-engineered wood. I've been shopping for a long time and this is the first one that I've found (in my budget) that I REALLY like that also meets the size conditions for my sectional.

(the top of the above dining table is really much beefier than the photo suggests, if it makes any difference. The table overall looks sleeker and thinner here than in person).

My living and dining area is an open space, and the kitchen as a marble bar that separates the dining from the kitchen.

Not sure of a living area rug yet, but I've been leaning towards something with some shade blue and grey as I think it accents the couch color really nicely (open to suggestions here too). I have orangish wood floors (similar to last photo) and grey walls with the slightest hint of blue.

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