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Need discontinued Daltile French Quarter Cobblestone

6 years ago
last modified: last year

I am not sure if this is the best place to post. I am in dire need of a small amount of Daltile French Quarter tile. Not sure if there is more than one style, but mine is the grey/bungurndy/tan color. Need to find asap!

Comments (204)

  • 2 years ago

    I am in need of Daltile French quarter cobblestone tile blueish color 12x12

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Looking for Daltile French Quarter Cobblestone in 12 x12, 12x6 and 6x6. Would buy 2 boxes of each...Thank you! Would also be happy to purchase smaller amounts!

  • last year

    I have several boxes of daltile french quarter spicy gumbo

    12x12 for sale 630-514-2575

  • last year

    please text me if you are interested

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I am looking for Daltile French Quater Cobblestone. If you have some please let me know 907-414-0676. I am looking for several boxes to complete a remodel. I would like the 12x12

  • last year

    I too am looking for Daltile French Quater Cobblestone. Need 2-3 boxes in 12x12 to patch a section of cracked tiles. Email me jh4ir@yahoo.com

  • last year

    I am also looking for a couple boxes each of 12x12 6x12 and 6x6 Daltile 3114 cobblestone French Quarter bluish tile for a repair project i am in Tulsa area email spemidcon@yahoo.com Thank you.

  • last year

    Does anyone have any still available? i need to replace a spot under my old 48”vanity. thank you

  • last year

    Cobblestone is what i need

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    If anyone know where I can get some Daltile French Quarter Cobblestone 6 X12 please let me know. I am in NC.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    If anyone is looking to match daltile mardi-gras home depot currently has tile called Merola tile available in kings blue and kings sage. They are 2 different tile colors but if you mix and match tiles from both colors you can get a color pattern that is very close to the Mardi gras tille. It’s not 100% perfect, but no one will ever notice unless you say something. It’s very close and better than the alternitive of replacing the entire floor. I’m not sure if my tile is mardi gras, but its defenitly one of the dal tile drench quarter collections . just check the tiles i mentioned and you’ll see which they’re similar to. it was fairly expensive tile 15 years ago when we bought it. The Home Depot Guy assured us that tile like that will always be available since it was a special order tile. Thats why it was so much more expensive simce it’s always available and not a deal they get buying raldom tiles in huge bulks II’I’lI’llI’ll neverI’ll never fallI’ll never fall forI’ll never fall for that whenI’ll never fall for that when I’ll never fall for that when II’ll never fall for that one II’ll never fall for that one again. Hes lucky he didn’t work there anymore when we went back for some replacements. My wife wanted to strangle him for the BS story.

  • last year

    I have several boxes of daltile french quarter spicy gumbo

    12x12 for sale 630-514-2575

  • last year

  • last year
    last modified: last year


    I need a bunch of these french quarter tiles and Bourban street tiles . Please respond with info as to how I can buy them. Email jmiller5@optonline.net need 12x12 and 6x6.

    Thank you

  • last year

    They have been discontinued for 15 years!

  • last year

    Tish, that’s why it’s embarrassing to still have these tiles. And I tiled my kitchen and hallway 22 years ago. (it was my first tile job. I back buttered every tile, and 22 years later it still looks great. Next-door, we had a professional do that house, and there is a broken tile there. I also have seven boxes of Daltile coastal Azul if anyone needs those. My husband doesn’t like those tiles.)

    I have one full box of spicy gumbo - still in plastic. I also have a box of hexagonal spicy gumbo with the dots. I would have to count how many dots I have.

    I have five boxes of the cobblestone. And then I have several pieces that are not in a box but are full 12 by 12s.

    My thought when I had designed my kitchen was to mix the blues and grays of the cobblestone in with the spicy gumbo, but it didn’t actually work when I tried it. So I had to re-order more spicy gumbo. Just as an FYI to everyone, the second batch of spicy gumbo was slightly different in terms of sizing. Some of those tiles are an eighth of an inch larger. I am the only one who would ever notice it in our kitchen, but it’s still bugs me a little bit 22 years later. I do not have any 6 x 6.

  • last year

    Oh, and I am happy to give them away. I think they are probably too heavy to ship. We are in Albuquerque. My husband says that they could be shipped by ground.

  • last year


    i would like to buy some of your tiles....can you ship to New york??

  • last year

    I'm looking for french quarter or mardi gras Daltile 12x12 and 6x6. If anyone has available please contact me at jmiller5@optonline.net

    Thank you!

  • last year

    How would you like to arrange for them to be shipped?

  • last year

    Still have French Quarter Bourbon Street but not any other color palette.

  • last year

    Lauraaintsing: I could def use a few of the Bourbon street tiles. I need the "Pinker" ones 12x12 and 6x6. Do you have a photo??

  • last year

    jmig: I will pay for shipping...i only need a few 12x12 and 6x6 cobblestone...Possible??

  • last year

    Hi, We are in need of ca. 60 sq ft of (preferably 18 x 18) daltile # 3114 cobblestone french quarter and can pick up in Ontario, Quebec, and Eastern Seabord USA. Or, alternatively we could receive via shipping to either a US or CDN address. Please email artspace613@gmail.com. Thanks! Myka

  • last year

    Looking for approximately 60 - 12 x 12 Daltile French Quarter Cobblestone tiles.

  • last year

    J Mig - Do you still have the 12x12 cobblestone tiles - 5 boxes. I would buy them.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I have about 1,100sq ft 12x12, 6x12 & 6x6 in Cobblestone (in California) . Will need to count the boxes again, but want to sell all of it at the same time. Shipped many boxes a couple of years ago and many were delivered broken, so dont know how to get it shipped safely.

  • last year

    how many 12x12 do you have? Would you split them? any idea how much for you want for them and how much to get them to Michigan?

  • last year

    We need minimum 130 square feet of 12" tiles. We would take more if need be

  • last year

    Let me know how much you have of each size. What part of California are you in? What city? I may know someone going out there by car.

  • last year

    Looking for at least 5 18 x 18 cobblestone French Quarter tiles, but would take more. 480-231-9213.

  • last year

    Howdy looking for some 12x12 daltile french quarter mardi gras tile please contact me if available. want to help grandma replace some of her damaged tiles thank you. diswontu@gmail.com

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I have a bunch I would be willing to sell in Northeast Pennsylvania. prefer local pick up. 12x12 and 6x6.

    i only plan to keep a handful of each.

    email me at mormia17@gmail.com if interested.

  • last year


    where are you located...i need a bunch of those. im in stroudsberg often

  • last year

    Near scranton Pa

  • last year

    when can I pick up? My daughter is in Stroudsberg today ...she can meet you. How much you want for them??

  • last year

    if it works better for you please text me at 516 835 5028....might be easier communication

  • 11 months ago

    Do you still have any of these? (fairmane@bnpmedia.com)

    I have about 1,100sq ft 12x12, 6x12 & 6x6 in Cobblestone (in California) . Will need to count the boxes again, but want to sell all of it at the same time. Shipped many boxes a couple of years ago and many were delivered broken, so dont know how to get it shipped safely.

  • 11 months ago

    Howdy if anyone has Daltile French Quarter Mardi Gras 12 x 12 please let me know looking for about 20 tiles. thank you. Feel free to email me at Jason@ezcruz.com TY!

  • 10 months ago

    HU-558372691 do you still have the Cobblestone French Quarter tile? If so could you email me at jjenkins@ducworks.com? Thank you!

  • 10 months ago

    Daltile Mardi Gras -French quarter ceramic Cobblestone- https://melsfrogs.com/tileman/index.php

  • 9 months ago

    Looking for dal tile boubon street 12x12 tile. need about 12

  • 9 months ago

    i am looking for dal time 12x12 Bourbon street / Mardi Gras tile need at least 12 tiles

  • 9 months ago

    Howdy if anyone has Daltile French Quarter Mardi Gras 12 x 12 please let me know looking for a few tile's to replace a few broken tiles in my grandma's kitchen. thank you. Feel free to email me at Jason@ezcruz.com Thank You!

  • 9 months ago

    Looking for Daltile French Quarter Mardi Gras tiles as well, going to need maybe about 2 boxes, remodel of kitchen got me scrambling gor tiles to fix current floor.

  • 6 months ago

    Looking for Daltile French Quarter Mardi Gras tile as well. Need 12x12, 12x6, and 6x6. Please email john.zp.wei at gmail dot com

  • 5 months ago

    Looking for French Quarter by Daltile 12x12 in blues & grays. Need at least 12 will pay for tile & shipping. Email C2Hansen@gmail.com

  • last month

    Looking fot Daltile French Quarter Mardi Gras 12” tiles, at least a dozen of them enail ckdrake1@gmail.com

  • 20 days ago

    Hello! I am looking for about 250 sq ft of Daltile French Quarter Spicy Gumbo. I know it’s discontinued and I know finding it might be a pipe dream. But that is what we have currently and we want to replace some carpet with it. What we have now is 18x18 but we are willing to get creative and mix up sizes.

  • 20 days ago

    My email is shalamartreseder@gmail.com