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End of season color - sort of...!

The summer season is definitely over now, with a few last things still in bloom in the front garden. Fall color in the backyard is a combination of non-existent and rather drab on the things that have changed color!

In the front garden the mums in the north driveway border are always the last thing to bloom, blooming into mid-November. The white flowers fade to pink as the blooms age. The Queen Elizabeth rose is still producing a few last flowers - this rose was almost killed by last winter's yo-yo temperature extremes. A few growth buds survived at the base.... The rose has been only about half its normal height! In the 'moat bed' along the ditch by the road, pink anemones are just finishing blooming. The green 'tree' on the top right side of the picture is the Chinese wisteria. (Pardon the garden-waste container and bucket on the driveway - I couldn't eliminate them from the picture :-)

In the backyard it's just green and messy yellow-brown. The young fringetree in the patio hosta bed usually turns a nice buttery yellow but it is still completely green. The dogwood(s) are showing little signs of the expected red color. The serviceberry and a Japanese maple that are usually a nice orange are just a wimpy yellow-brown. So all that is a bit disappointing.

are you getting good color in your fall garden?

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