OLLD 7/10
11 years ago
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Wednesday 7-7-10 Only 3 today
Comments (9)Thank you all so much. Actually, I had a lot more than three blooming, but I have posted all of them before, and I decided that these three just needed to be posted. Debra, Jazz After Five has been such a gorgeous bloomer. So many days it has done just like today, begged to be photographed with so many blooms. You need it. You deserve it. It deserves to be grown by you. Chris and Ellie, It has bloomed so much, and every bloom seems to be perfect. The thrips haven't fazed it. That is a really good trait for a bloom to have, especially as bad as the thrips have been this year. Come on, You know you need it too. Rita, you don't need any Cinco de Mayo, do you? It has multiplied so much, I would be glad to send some of it to you....See MoreSS Support - Mon. 7/10 thru Sun. 7/16
Comments (41)Hi guys! This place is BUSY! I have been trying to catch up... Besh~ I am glad that the shower was a success. How is your son doing? Those were some very nice goodies from Milkdud. I know just what you mean about having your house in order and feeling under control. John~ Did you start kayaking again? The dating world sounds like a very scary thing. I'm not sure I'll EVER be up to it again. Hang in there. Zig~ From the Qod earlier this week, I'd love to be able to sing too! In my mind's eye, I sing like Martina McBride. Truth be told, I can't carry a tune in a bucket : ) I am another carb lover.... Marci~ What is the Paperback Swap? Tell me about The Reading Group... Take that cookie dough and pitch it right out into the yard! Hard to resist when it's calling your name... BJ~ You crack me up! No, you can't take it with you! And would you even WANT to?? Having downsized from a very large house to my temporary digs here, I can tell you that it is very cathartic to get rid of so much STUFF. Every once in awhile I will look for something and have to stop myself with an "oh yeah...I gave that away..." but for the most part, I am very content with less. NH Suzanne~ Any chance of getting some "chix pix"? I'd love to see them! My DD built an incubator and hatched 6 chicks as a science project one year. They all hatched on open house night at school. Guess who got an "A"? Raeanne~ How was the meditation group? How does that work anyway? I always think of meditation as a very private thing and was wondering about how a group setting would work. I know all about phone problems! I have Verizon here and have actually been very happy with the service. We have had a couple of equipment problems though, but they were quickly resolved. Would you share your recipe for cauliflower soup, please? I wouldn't piut that pot on the grill. I believe that would indeed ruin it... What's a "reward meal"? DeeMarie~ Thank you for the email! : ) I just broke down and bought a new computer. It is MADDENING when these things break. Funny how dependent I have become on it (speaking of being attached to possessions!) I could live on pasta and bread... How was the salon? Maddie~ Congrats on the job! I'd love to see where you'll be working... Cake stalagmites?? ROFLMAO! Donna~ Don't listen to Besh... go ahead and buy the shoes! You KNOW you want them! :) I am sorry to have been MIA. Thanks for the well wishes, emails and cyber hugs. It has been a perfectly terrible week and a half here. I have made an attitude adjustment and am ready to go! (I am truly my own worst enemy) It is over 100 degrees here for the fourth day in a row. I am having my upstairs air conditioner replaced (no central air here...) and it is too hot to sleep in my room till it's replaced tomorrow. I have been bunking very uncomfortably on the couch : ( Does anyone else have a terrible time in the heat?? I am just melting! I'm getting most of my busy work done as early as possible to avoid the heat and have taken to doing housework late at night!. I washed the kitchen floor the other night at 10:00 pm! I am feeling very positive about this new week. I have some paperwork to do today, but I have all day to do it in. I have scheduled some fun things to do into my week, which I think will keep me on track. In all things, it is important to remember that life is truly what we make of it. Love, Tikanas...See MoreWW's Support Monday7/10~~Sunday7/16
Comments (21)LIFER HERE!!!! I was a bit nervous about my weigh in. At my CURVES pre weigh in I was up~~WW's scales weigh less but I still had gained 1.5 pounds on the WW's scales as compared to last Friday. BUT it was still less than my goal weight so I will not beat myself up for that!! I went into this just wanting to get anywhere under 150, so 143.5 is not bad!! I did not get another charm for my key chain, they give you a lifer memebership card:( I wanted a charm LOL!! But, my WW's leader gave me flowers:) I was so surprised and a very nice framed quote to help you stay on task:) She really is a sweatheart! I know she has to pay for them herself, so that makes it extra special. She had me come up and tell everyone what I liked about the plan and what I did that helped me make it work:) I do Core and she had me talk about why I chose that since most folks do not do it. I thought I was done and she said NO there is one more thing you did that worked best for you?? I could not think of it and the other gals were trying to help me think too:) Finally she says 'you never missed a meeting' YES!! That is true and it did help alot! She wanted the others to know how important that is:) As I was leaving I went to chat with the receptionist (a man who has lost 66lbs) he told me I should apply for a job with WW's, the leader talked to me about that too~~~I would maybe do the weigh ins (receptionist). But, never a leader you have to know too much:) I wonder how much they pay and how often you do it? I already have a 10-2 job during the school year do I want more?? Not really but then I thought maybe that would be good for me to help keep my weight off. What do you think?? It was 107 here yesterday and is going to be hotter today how can that be?????? WC what is it like up in your area??? I am going to be in Frisco in a couple of weeks and up in Santa Cruz also. Is it going to be cooler for me?? I want it alot cooler???? WC have you ever been to Half Moon Bay?? I am reading a book that part of it takes place there?? I think I will have my DH drive through it just so I can say I was there:)...See MoreW10 upgrade from W7, backup or image for recovery of W7?
Comments (26)A long time ago, I did a Mint Mate install(actual install, not live) onto a 16GB Gigaware USB flash drive. It booted slow as molasses and the first time running apps was just as slow. It ran fine afterward though. I considered getting a faster flash drive such as a SanDisk Extreme, but it wasn't it my budget at that time. I seem to remember playing around with bcd.exe but my memory is short. Some day I'll have to give EasyBCD a try. In the meantime, GRUB works for me. An extraordinarily boring (and embarrassing, mostly because I flubbed customizing GRUB2 because I'm too lazy to learn to use it properly right now) video of my installing Mint Mate alongside Windows 10 in a virtual machine... I suppose the point is that they can, at least sometimes, live happily beside one another. I was really expecting Mint Mate to offer to "install alongside windows" and auto-partition but it did not. Don't some other Ubuntu based distros do that? Or is it just full blown Ubuntu? Anyway, after all my stumbling, doing it incorrectly, redoing etc., Grub now reads exactly the way I want, remembers the previous boot choices etc. ... That's just a virtual machine though. I wouldn't suggest others try it on their real machines. I suppose if one were to practice setting up a dual boot system, a virtual environment would be the safe place to learn, right? BTW, I used Oracle's VirtualBox in the above videos. Free and open source. Oops, I just read the warning on the VirtualBox download page: "Please be aware that Windows 10 is not yet officially supported!" Oh well, seems to run fine for me....See MoreRelated Professionals
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