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Kitchen floor help requested!

6 years ago
Hi Houzzers! I’m trying to do some low cost (like, under $1k total) updates to my kitchen. It’s a 1950’s house that was last updated in the 90’s. Kitchen isn’t bad - not my perfect set up, but workable for now, with good quality Woodmode cabinets and a style generally in keeping with the house. My current thoughts are to 1) swap out the hardware and 2) freshen up the paint (the main floor, which adjoins this kitchen, is Benjamin Moore White Heron - will likely do same in the kitchen). I might even make that area to the left of the door a chalkboard wall. Maybe.

But I HAAAAAATTTTEEEE this floor. It’s a good quality handmade-looking orangey tile that I loathe with the fire of a thousand suns. I don’t have $$ to replace it, so I’m thinking of covering it with...a big rug? Two rugs? My body strewn on the floor in a sobbing heap because it offends my eyes? (kidding...)

What do you think? Suggestions? Sources? Other ideas?

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