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Knocking each other out....Yellow beige versus Pink beige

6 years ago

I have a living room color problem. We own a home that is a 1984 Spanish build with a 2007 remuddle to fake Tuscan (by the prior owner).

The living room/dining room combination is 1000 sq feet. It has a Douglas fir beam ceiling which was faux stained in a man-cave dark hole brown/black color. We hired out a soda blaster to take the wood back to natural. The result is Doug fir yellow and unfortunately the wood knots permanently absorbed the stain and there is no lightening the knots. I spot-tried a Danish wood bleach (Woca brand) to tone down the yellow, which it did, but not the wood knots. The result was 'Dalmatian' look; cute only on a dog. I hand sanded the sample bleached area back to raw wood. So the ceiling is a yellowish beige.

My husband and I lived in the house for several years before we did the soda blasting, and we hemmed and hawed over the soda blasting versus painting the ceiling.

The floor was done in a very handsome travertine which has pink-beige undertones. I want to keep the floor. It is a chipped-edge travertine. My beige-yellow/gold tone area rugs look very sick next to this floor.

The trim in the room was painted dark brown, which we find objectionable.

Given a yellowish ceiling and a pink-beige floor (and the brown trim) what paint color do I choose without creating a clash between these two colors ?

Any help that you can provide would be appreciate.

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