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Need flood drainage help!

6 years ago

I have quite a bit of consistent flooding that I would really like some advice for. I’ve done about as much research as I could throughout the past few months and have learned a lot, but not quite enough to deal with my unique situation. My house is located right next to the berm of a pretty large creek, about 20 ft wide and 3-4 ft deep in most areas, and any time we get rainfall the creek will flood right over the berm. The creek flows on for another 15 or so miles until it empties in the lake. We have gotten flooding as bad as about 4.5 ft up our foundation, which is about 5 ft high. This happened during a week long wet spell and stayed around for about a day. I believe the previous home owner carved a section of the berm out to create a walkway to the creek, which means water just spills right through into my back yard, and slowly makes its way up the rest of my property. It also doesn’t help that my property is graded from all sides back to that creek. My current plan is to run three catch basin in each low spot, and I was going to run them to the street with a sump pump, but I live in a cul de sac that is entirely above ground from me, so i think the water will just circle back around to the back of the house. I looked a lot into those NDS dry wells, but have consistently been told that they will not be able to keep up with the amount of water I have. I have though about just patching the berm back up, but I cannot confirm the previous homeowner was the one to remove the section, and I’m not sure what implications that may have on my neighbors. So long story short is where would someone advise I run my catch basins to? Sorry for the long read and I appreciate any help I can get!

The top picture shows my back yard and shed. The bottom one shows my side yard and the berm that is sticking above the water

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