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Manuel made me do it -- Handsome New Sans

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

Hi Folks,

Don't have lots of pix yet, but I got down to the Vendor Manuel mentioned in NYC, Union Square (Fantastic Gardens). Those S Hahnii pix he had shown had me wanting some. I got there late in the day, so there wasn't the full selection of earlier in the day.

But I got 2 Hahniis & a dwarf Samurai (the vendor called it; reminds of of S pinguicula).

Here's the 1st 2 pic before battery died.

No ID Hahnii, has some broken leaf tips but 2 nice young pups at its base.

The one that really caught my eye. I'd guess the ID something like S Jade hahnii.

More pix to follow where you'll see, but it's very dark, I really like it!

Thanks for the inspiration Manuel!

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