Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) new treatment
6 years ago
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- 6 years ago
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Slugs and snails - good news, bad news
Comments (10)QUOTE: In addition, snails have great homing instincts, so if you fire them over the fence into your neighbour's yard, they will find their way back. That's cetainly reassuring. My thoughts on the matter: It's a good thing in historical times they did not use "carrier snails" to bring the news from the frontlines to headquarters. "Send reinforcements." ______________________________________________ QUOTE (AlmostHooked) Just a thought as you can purchase a 250 fot coil of it for around $50 and there is 3 wires in each foot, Has anyone tried this or is it hogwash? My thoughts on the matter: I'd think it nice to hire old gray-haired hippies to braid you a copper bracelet to go around the neck of all your pots, and have a couple of arm and leg bracelets made for you and Myrle to ward off arthritis. Copper is such a grand why not prevent slugs........and you'd be giving an old-timer some honest work. That said, I saw that Pieterje's pots had them around the necks, and saw how some really large snails (in pictures from Europe) had GIGANTIC snails stopped by copper PIPE, and so I caved and bought some of that sticky-back copper tape for my ceramic hosta pots. And some others too. Did it work, you ask? Well, who looks pretty....makes me feel like I'm really gardening now, ya know......and let's face it, we had slugs raining down on us with lots of rainy soggy weather, and they were everywhere. So I was fighting the war on too many fronts last year to know what one thing actually HELPED. The thing I believe helped the most was learning to NOT PUT THE BAIT IN THE POT WITH THE HOSTA. Duhhhh, I mean, what if it kills a slug intent on eating a WEED not a HOSTA....I mean, is there an issue of killing a GOOD slug moral issue to be resolved? You know how they say life forms have sensitivities and sensabilities, and after all a slug IS a "life form"........but I haven't removed the tape, I like it. So what if bait scattered in the moist areas and NOT in the pots is what reduced the slug problem. I'd use both option A. Copper Tape and B. Bait .....regardless....See MoreFrozen Shoulder
Comments (26)I have had Frozen Shoulders, first in 2004 after I cleaned the soffit around my house by hand. I endured the pain for months before going to the doctor, who sent me for PT. He also offered me Cortisone injection, which I declined as I read that it actually damages the tissue in of itself. Three months of PT and the pain was worse, all the way down the right side of my back and as far over as the spine. It hurt to take deep breaths, and I couldn't even lift a frying pan cause the muscle in my forearm would lock up. Couldn't wash, blow dry my hair. I finally went to another doctor and he told me the only way I could get relief was from having a manipulation, where he would put me to sleep and wrench my shoulder, tearing the adhesions. He said the reason the PT made it worse was that it involved the Trigger points and as I lost range of motion, I depended on different muscles to do the work. He said it can only get better on its own IF if is caught in time and adhesions are not bad. I had the manipulation done and a week of PT to keep me moving it and excerises at home. I got full range of motion back after a month or so. Two years later- the other one froze. This time I went immediately and had the manipulation. Pain free immediately. I'd go and not put it off. If he offers a manipulation, do it. I had a hysterectomy in 1986 at the age of 36 but was on HRT until 2002 - had the first FS in 2004. I agree its probably horomone related partially. I have no diabetes or thyroid problems. About the excerises - check out Aaron Mattes - Active Isolated Stretches - best ones for FS. The PT ones have you hold the stretch way too long and you get the rebound effect of the muscle tightening back up. AIS excerises isolate the individual parts of the muscle and you do fewer of them, hold them shorter time frame and do them slowly. Whenever I overstress in gardening or lifting, cleaning and I feel the muscles tightening, I get those out and do them. Find some Biofreeze to use at night. Rub it on Your shoulder and down your back and arm. Its a gel - kinda like Bengay but much much better. It helped me so that I could sleep. Most PT places have it and some massage places. Wet a hand towel and wring it out. Put it in the microwave for about 2-3 minutes. Take it out and wrap it in another bath towel. Lay it across your shoulder, then move it to any area that hurts. I did this before I would excerise then after the excerises, you ice them down. But just for relief, I'd do the hot towel whenever I hurt. Good luck, FS is much more common than people think. Aleve helped too - more than others for me....See MoreAnyone familiar with bum shoulders?
Comments (28)polly929 wrote: Yes, orthopedic surgeons. Go see one. He/She will refer you to the appropriate PT or MRI if needed. MRIs use magnets not radiation, there should be no issue with exposing that area. Yes they cost a lot of money, if you're shoulder becomes useless it may be necessary, but that is up to a doctor to decide. I will never understand why if you have a health problem you would discuss it on a discussions side of a decorating forum and get other people's opinions or experiences rather than see a specialist. Wow. That's a pretty curt and judgemental response but that's just my opinion. Because what I glean from that response is that anyone that would ask about a medical issue on a forum is an idiot. Seems to be par for the course around here much too much, again...just my opinion and one of the reasons I lurk more than post. I will say that the overwhelming majority of posts here are polite and friendly - I enjoy reading those. People frequent forums because they like to ask questions, read about the experiences of others, share their experiences, get helpful information, and, sometimes, just have a simple conversation on the discussions or off topic section of a decorating, car, garden, or whatever forum. ~Back on topic~ To answer Oakley's OP, I do have experience with mild to severe pain in every joint in my body but no distinct problems with my shoulders. I just live with it. Sometimes, I have really bad days but can still function. It started happening around 10 years ago and got to the point a few years later where I had to take one stair at a time (still happens from time to time). I don't go to the Doctor for every little thing but decided to go to an Orthopedic Surgeon and get the whole work-up. Diagnosis: Age - exactly what I thought Treatment: Joint specific exercises and OTC pain relief. I just ordered this supplement from Dr. Mercola. He's a proponent of natural health as well as a Physician, Surgeon, and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. He's a frequent guest on Dr. Oz's show and always interesting. Anyway, read about it, might be worth a try. Dr. Mercola on Dr. Oz Astaxanthin on Hope your shoulder feels better, Oakley....See MoreJaundice in cat...can't afford treatment...very sad
Comments (44)I have an awesome 7 yr old cat that I found in a bush 3 houses down from our house. He was 7-10 days old, and we spent a lot of time, money and patience to raise this cute baby boy that was abonded. His mother was a farrell cat that the whole hood kinda took care of. (The vet said he wouldn't survive.... but our first born son thrived!) He grew to be 17.5 lbs. One day Tanner strutted into the house and he was different. I couldn't peg it but he was just 'off'. The very next day my daughter, the nurse, noticed he was tinged with this yellow hue. I took him almost immediately to an Emergency Vet Clinic who charges nearly $200 just to walk in the door. Or, due to Covid, wait 4 Hrs. IN YOUR CAR! To make a long story longer... Tanner had NEVER been ill in his short time here on earth, even as a baby. This vet took him for 3 days! poking and prodding and drugging him to the sum of $2055.00! Sending him home with a medication that practically choked him getting it down and bit my finger off! Now, I'm a recent widow with very little money, but being my precious boy was suffering, I was coeursed into taking out a loan immediately for them to treat and what I thought save him. I never, ever heard of Jaundice in an animal only people. I jumped into a decision that led me falsely into the wrong decision!! Tanner suffered terribly after coming home and being more traumatized by his original vet. Only to charge me approx. another $1000. He learned to not trust me anymore. Realizing we were both going to be homeless, I had to make a decision that was very very difficult! Yes, he was euthanized! Which would have saved us both a lot of trauma and cost and the vets. time to treat other pets that needed quick care. This story was posted to help ANY other animals lovers that may not be knowledgable in diseases, and tend to be convinced there is hope when really there is not. Always get a 2nd opinion. And think twice before you jump into something you know nothing about. At the end of all this, no one figured out how he caught it this deadly 'bug'! I thought maybe it was genetics. Although he was very healthy and had all his vaccines required to keep him safer as he grew, his mother obviously did not. But after studying this common pathogen I realized we both were taken by the vets. My poor baby suffered and I was now in debt that took 2 years took recover. Maybe that's why they came up with euthanizing animals long ago?...See MoreRelated Professionals
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