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If you like Househunters International...

5 years ago

Try "Escape to the Continent" on Netflix.

It's a show about couples in Britain who decide to retire/move to the European Continent. In each show, the couple looks at 3-4 houses, does something cultural, and meets another expat couple to discuss the local lifestyle. The host (there are 3 diff ones, incl one guy who is quite nice to look at) also goes off and does something cultural. It is sort of a househunting/travel show wrapped in one. Lots of interesting properties. The couples are likable, but I can't get over how much more haphazard they look than Americans do on TV "reality" shows. They look like they are headed to the grocery store to pick up milk for the most part. Sometimes their hair isn't even combed, or their dress is cut way too low or they are wearing that babyblue metallic eyeshadow from the 70s. That said, they are more interesting than the couples on US HH shows and you see more of their relationship. All in all, really enjoying it, on episode 14/20 of season 1. Don't know if there was a season 2.

Unrelated, also watched Big Little Lies. Very entertaining, except it was nearly comical how, every character in crisis went out to their deck to stare off into the ocean. At least once per episode.

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