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Inactive / Dormant buds? - Fiddle leaf ficus lyrata tree

Hello Friends!

I have a question regarding my fiddle leaf fig tree. I own 2 plants one of which I've had for 2 years in a bush form and second one I purchased this March (2018) as a tree form. When I bought it it was already pruned with no new branches but with tons of buds forming on on them so even though it didnt look too appealing in the beginning I was confident it will eventually grow into a nice full tree. This is how it looked in March right after purchase:

(Please note it did not stay in this corner , I moved it the next day into a brighter spot)

Six months went by and it started forming new branches growing very quickly - the only problem is only top buds turned into branches and the rest of them stayed exactly the same as they were in the beginning , not changing even a bit. So now the tree grew just one new branch per one old pruned branch so essentially the whole pruning did not make any difference as there's exactly the same amount of branches as there was before only now growing in weird directions :p

Here's how the tree looks now in September 2018:

It grew a ton and seems pretty happy where it is. I was just wondering if the fact that so many buds remain inactive (dormant?) is normal or is it a sign of something going wrong? And what would be solution to this if there's any? If the answer is I just need to be patient and wait few more years Im happy to do that I was just wondering if theres any way I can encourage those buds to grow somehow. I tried a little trick in June and made notches above few of the buds to see if it helps somehow but with no success. I dont think I'll be cutting or notching anything now as we are approaching fall where I live but if anyone has some tips or recommendations of what may help I would greately appreciate it.

For the reference , buds don't look dead or dry, here's them now:

Some of them are very big and looked very promising in the beginning the only problem is they stayed the exact same for six months and it seems like all the plants energy goes into lenghtening existing branches instead of forming any additional ones and they are slowly getting dangerously long :)

Also for the reference - I water the tree weekly and add plant food every second watering with half the strenght of fertilizer during growing season. It sits in front of a very bright big south facing window - not in direct light but close to it ( i tried to put my other fiddle closer to the window than that and it got burned so I guess this spot is optimal). The plant is healthy, new leaves are big and lush with no sign of stress. Here's it's position:

I know there's some very experienced experts here so I put my trust in wise people on this forum :)

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