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Ills Affecting My "Experimental" Vegetable Garden

Richard Mugg
5 years ago

Bought this house last year, Zone 7. Found a spot that gets six hours + of sun (combination of morning and afternoon), and planted the following: one Zucchini, two Tomato, two Pepper, One Eggplant, and one Cucumber vine, purely as an experiment to assess the ability of that spot to sustain a good garden.

Everything went in the ground a tad late, about mid June.

Soil is very sandy; lacks organic material. It's known that this situation must be improved. Here are the problems I've noted that I'm seeking advice on.

Tomatoes: got vigorous growth and average fruit production. Still, fruit does not grow very large, and none of it has started to turn. No obvious insect problems.

Zucchini -- some edible vegetables if picked when small, but many of these start and then just rot when thumb sized. Found one caterpillar a few weeks ago, dead.

Cucumber - most perplexing. Vigorous vine growth, many many flowers, but absolutely no vegetables until about ten days ago; they did not develop after initial spurt. Leaves withered, vine started to show bad stress. Suspect insects but found no specimens.

Peppers and Eggplant look OK but no vegetables yet. I blame on late start.

The garden gets ample water. The question is: should I go all in (rasing the beds, adding organic material, etc.) on this spot for next season, or try a different one?

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