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Volunteer baby pine tree in my flower bed

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

So my neighbor across the street who is a plant hoarder, found a few baby tree pines coming up on her yard, she gave me one about 7" in height, so I put it in a pot in the sun, last year she showed them to me and they were only a couple of inches tall... this year, the only one she had in full sun triple in size leaving the other ones in the shade to be smaller, so I figure full sun is good... right? later this week, I found one in my own yard... I am pretty happy about that and will leave that one alone since it gets decent amount of sun where it is.... I don't really know what kind they are... I have walked around my neighborhood looking for mature pine trees to see if maybe the birds brought mine from close by but I have not seen any yet... Do you guys have this often at your place?

This is the one my neighbor gave me >

And this is the one in my yard >

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