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Puzzled! Transition Color for Hallway Challenge! Please help!

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

A hall separates two bedrooms, one bathroom and also our large living room. One bedroom and that bathroom are BM minted green, master bedroom is BM blue heron. Living room is a whitened butternut squash BM1090. Living room has medium hardwood floors. Bedrooms and hall are carpeted in a light goldish color. Hall is small, has 3 doors leading from it plus a space where a door has been removed. Difficult to photograph this area. Surprisingly, all these colors work, But now that we have removed paper from the hall, we are stymied as to what color to paint it.

Colors are not true in this photo. BR is much lighter. On left, LR wallpaper is actually lighter. Right of doorway, the wallpaper is almost off. Looking for light uniting color since hall is small and only light source is a ceiling fixture.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a color for the hall?

If so, many, many thanks!
