look familiar? Mr Drop-it organization advice
6 years ago
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moving out/in, same house, want organization
Comments (19)Julie, list those signs on Freecycle! That's great Freecycle material. Turn your DH onto Freecycle, if he's really looking for people who could use the stuff. My favorite give away saying: **I have faith that the universe will provide us with xxx if we need another one. **You KNOW we would have never been able to find that if we hadn't been digging in all of this stuff. **You have exceeded your fair share of the space, so you'll have to keep it in "your" space. **And just where, exactly, did this come from in the first place? **I DID deal with it, it's in the trash where it belongs. Remember, a place for everything and everything in it's place. **It's costing us $200 per square foot to store that thing. Is that worth it to you? Our current go-around is an old wool coat with holes, which he finally replaced. I'm going to cut out the wool and put it in the compost pile, but he thinks I should donate the thing. His feeling is that it's better than nothing if you have nothing. I told him there were tons of decent coats at the thrift stores and he could just go out and find someone living under a tarp to give it to. He's not willing to do that, so I guess I've won this battle. I actually did 90% of the decluttering when he was at work. I would load up the van and drop it off at the store right next to where I worked. This summer, he accused me of decluttering his boots. Turns out that he hid them from me in the trunk of his car! Gloria...See MoreWhy I'm struggling with closet organization
Comments (45)Thought I'd chime in with my closet system, although I admit I like the idea of the rings....In my tiny closet I have blouses, then skirts then dresses. When I rehang a worn item that can be worn again, it not only goes on the very left side of the closet no matter what type of item it is, I use a bright colored flocked hanger, instead of the black flocked ones the clean items are on. (Except skirts on a skirt hanger. But are identified easily as worn as they are in the "used" section.) Admittedly, this is a doubled system, that most would not need but helps me. I originally just used the different colored hangers and put the used blouse in with the blouses, etc., but eventually liked the idea of keeping the worn items out of the clean ones so started just putting them separately, naturally still using the bright hangers. If I forget and hang a worn item in with the clean, or vice versa, the hanger will identify it. When I do laundry, it is easy to locate the clothes that will be washed...(aside from the rest in the hamper!)...See MoreSpice organization article in Houzz
Comments (31)I visited a friend's house a few weeks ago. Her spices were something to behold. I've never seen anything quite like it. They were on tiered shelves, but that wasn't what impressed me. It was the chart on the inside of the cupboard door. Think Bingo chart, or a spreadsheet. Each row and column was labeled on one sheet. A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5, etc. Then there was a master list, in alphabetical order. Need cilantro? Look down the list. Oh, Row A, Jar 12. Glance at the "bingo chart" for orientation, and then boop, there it was in that spot on the shelf. I'd never be able to keep up with it, personally, but I could goggle in wonderment! Mine? They're in a cardboard box in the cupboard over my stove (shhh). It fits perfectly. I drag it out when I'm cooking and set it on the counter. The jar lids are labeled and placed in random order. There are less than 20 or so spices in there, so it's good enough. (Sweet spices are elsewhere.) When I'm done, the kit and caboodle goes back up and in. Someday I hope to have them in the shallow wall niche as described above, though....See MoreWonderful Organization to Support
Comments (12)thanks for sharing. Its been breaking my heart hearing of tons of older animals dogs and cats are dumped just because they are elderly and then they rush out and get a puppy or kitty. What would be nice if so many seniors love their pets and they hate it when they are getting older as they know they can't take in puppies as too much work for them plus to handle. Cost wise for them too its very tough. If they could hook up seniors plus pay the costs they would get loving homes those elderly pets. There should be more put out like this information. There are tons of things that are needed for pets. The lady that takes in pets, she quit her job and looks after the really ill dogs. Amazing what she is doing. Those pets have a permanent home for the rest of their life. And very good care too. We need so many more people to take in pets into their homes or open up places that will love and care for them....See MoreRelated Professionals
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