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My head feels all foggy with so many decisions to make.

6 years ago

I bet I'm not alone, feeling somewhat overwhelmed with this whole house build. So I'm wondering what you all do to keep your mind on track to what needs to be done, in what order and how to go about it. So far we have picked an area on some of our farm land, put in electricity from the road 2/10ths of a mile away. Drilled for water and have the septic guy figuring a layout. The architect is done and paid. Our builder has the signed paperwork and he is a charm. Now the overwhelming area is, I think, picking out cabinets, floors, appliances, wall colors, toilets etc has me cross eyed! Why do I like everything?!

I thought I was organized getting people lined up, but as I have observed, not all professionals are in a hurry to answer my questions. We have a small town of 4000 near buy and no one seems to think it's necessary to return my blueprints with their quotes. Is this common when there are so few professionals to pick from? The builder brought the septic guy over yesterday to talk and he (septic guy) didn't even know my blueprints where at the plumbing business (who he works with) over two months ago. I guess, my builder has my signature and he has included at least the biggest stuff (like plumbing) in his plans, reassuring me, he is there for us. ( and he has been too!) So, can I have your best advice to keep organized and on track? After looking at this I see I'm going to have to leave the big stuff up to the builder and address picking out the interior style. I need help keeping it all in order!

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