My head feels all foggy with so many decisions to make.
6 years ago
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- 6 years ago
- 6 years agolast modified: 6 years ago
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I am tired of my mop heads blooming so late with so few
Comments (32)I have ES growing in 2 different places: one is on the Notrh-East side of the house and another one is on the West-facing side. And they are so different that almost feels like 2 different varieties. This is how ES from West side looks like (it is smaller, leaves are somewhat paler, but blooms reliably every year): And this is my ES from the Notrh-East side. In fact , these are 3 hydrangeas planted in a row. They are much taller, with dark-green leaves and have fewer flowers between three of them than the one growing on the West side. Also, their flowers are mostly hidden in the foliage. These ones get more attention than their sister: they get fertilized with liquid 20-20-20 at least once a month, while the one above gets a handful of granular fertilizer in spring and thatâÂÂs it: This post was edited by green_go on Sat, Jul 26, 14 at 22:24...See MoreDoes anyone get tired of trying to make so many decisions???
Comments (39)I actually loved the research, but then I'm weird that way : ) The work was fine (partial DIY) as I love getting physical... up to a point. Now I'm just totally exhausted and sore. The decisions of what to buy, which to choose? My goodness yes I'm tired of it. Granted, some of it's been fun (easier choices) - all the kitchen 'jewelry' (faucets, pulls) were easy, as were the appliances (I can be pretty decisive about needs) but when it came time to tally up the cost, that was not fun! But big things like colors for cabinets, counter tops, "what type and how much and where" on the lighting... some easy, some hard. But I have to admit, despite all the difficult choices, I agree with oldbat2be when she said: "there's a lot of satisfaction involved in making the right decision and even more in recognizing that you didn't proceed with your original plan which wouldn't have been as good as what you ended up with" It's such a wonderful feeling to look at our choices and say YES, that's wonderful! And had we moved faster with our remodel, we would never have had the chance to change our minds or improve upon certain things. What I'm really tired of? Having to use the same utility sink to wash dishes, to clean up filthy hands, to clean up after our dog (who's in diapers now due to incontinence) and all the scrubbing and disinfecting of that dang sink! I hate carrying things all the way to it, carrying things back... oh to have a kitchen again! With a sink... no, 2 sinks! I'll be in kitchen heaven : )...See MoreI need some major help making a kitty decision (sorry so long!)
Comments (14)Cat mom and all, no one's saying the cat WOULD become a biter but only there is a real RISK of aggression problems or other personality changes. Is it worth the risk when there may be options with a more certain or sure outcome? The point is you shouldnt think of it as a "last resort," because there is a real chance it would NOT solve the problem. How I manage a similar situation is to do sort of a time share - my old 20 yr old cat stays in the bedroom 8 am - 8 pm, then gets the run of the house 8 pm- 8 am when I put the new cats downstairs in the basement (there's couches and stuff downthere and I feed them when they go downstairs so they have pleasant associations. What makes this work is that its so highly routine - cats just LOVE routine and predicatability, same things happening at the same time each day. What was NOT working was just trying to keep them separate in random, unpredictable ways. Everyone has settled down knowing they each have their own space and own times for occupying the "common area." In the wild, cats often make these same types of arrangments to "time-share" an area. If youre not up for that.... do consider finding another home. Ive done it many times, found home for cat in an unfortunate situation. There is a way of screening people and making sure its a good home - I could tell you more if you want. There's always the long difficult process of getting cats used to each others smell, and build up their tolerance for each other. But Im thinking because the ragdolls are so passive and unable to defend themselves (are they? Ive never had one) that might actually be triggering the other cat's dominance and urge to drive them out of the territory. Nature and feline territorial behavior is not pretty sometimes. In my case I decided I just could NOT put my old 20 yr old cat, deaf and arthritic, through the attacks she was getting from the 1 young new cat I brought into the house. She could not defend herself and she was literally getting knocked down, clawed, bitten and terrorized and she started peeing out of the box she was so freaked out. Now, Im happy to report, she is feeling secure again and her old self....See MoreSo conflicted...must make a decision by Wednesday
Comments (14)Rosie- yes, I really do love the glazed white cabinets in my houzz ideabook and I had compromised with my husband by getting the maple cabinets. I really thought glazed white was entirely out of the question as far as he was concerned until his recent comment. But everything I was planning went with the stained look, so I am having a heck of a time changing gears and moving back to the white glaze. I also know I will have to deal with all of the silent "I told you so's" when every problem he predicted arises with the white lacquer. He really does want me to be happy with the kitchen, I think that is why he has had a change of heart... seosmp-I think we are probably looking at the same kitchen on Houzz, see below? LOVE LOVE LOVE that kitchen! I go back to it on a daily basis from multiple angles. This is part of my conflict, I want to re-create that kitchen as far as possible in my space...I even ordered corbels from Art for Everyday (but I ordered the wrong ones and they won't exchange) and my talented cabinet guy made a plain mantel the same basic shape (but it smacks my husband in the head when he is at the range, so there's no way I am putting it on now...we are cutting out an arch instead). [[( [Contemporary Kitchen[( by Falls Church Kitchen & Bath Designers Cameo Kitchens, Inc. I do not love the golden beach granite they used when I see it in person though. And I haven't had any lighter granites tickle me like the brown antique. Would that kitchen look good with brown antique granite? I must say the photos on Houzz I have found with brown antique do not do it justice. It is like silver iridescent milk chocolate and dark chocolate and the light catches it every which way...just gorgeous. Here's a pretty good image of the brown antique on glazed white cabinets: [[( [Traditional Kitchen[( by Upper Marlboro Kitchen & Bath Designers Granite Grannies kksmama-I laid awake all night going over every possible combination of every counter material and cabinet I have considered thus far and I kept coming back to the brown antique granite. It's true, I do love it, I sigh every time I look at it. Since I am not in love with any stain at this point, it does seem like at least the granite is the one sure fire pick I would not regret. suzannesl- If I say anything in 8-10 months about making a change, DH would absolutely divorce me (maybe not divorce, but certainly might move into the garage for awhile to avoid me! LOL) That's why I am so stressed, I want to get it right the first time. I'm sure that is a common sentiment during remodels... -Deep breath- I feel resolved. I am going to go put a deposit on the brown antique granite that I know I love and I will have to figure out the stain/paint thing from there. One decision steps.... This post was edited by ChantelN on Mon, Jun 3, 13 at 13:12...See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 6 years agolast modified: 6 years ago
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