Hydrangea leaves I’ve never seen
6 years ago
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- 6 years agoMarcia Graves thanked cearbhaill (zone 6b Eastern Kentucky)
- 6 years ago
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I've never seen.......
Comments (16)Well I have all of you beat!!! I put down two leaves of Irish Imp and 4 days later a small plantlet began forming on the edge of the leaf. The leaf was no where near the medium. I had to get out my magnifying glass to make sure what I was seeing.. and sure enough it was there. Not only did it grow from atop of the leaf, but the mother leaf also produced babies from the stem. I was amazed at the speed. The other leaf only produced babies from the inserted stem in the medium. The leaf was girl foliage. Miniature. I took the leafpot to my AV Club's workshop and showed them.. they were amazed also. Guess I could call this "Once in a blue moon!!" Tea...See MoreLeaf Problem I've Never Seen Before - Please Help!!! (Pics)
Comments (10)I see similar leaves every year and do not know what causes them. My plants seem to get affected after a sharp drop in temperature after some very hot days. They always continue to grow and produce. The weird leaves may only last for 1 or 2 branches then return to normal. As the deformed leaves grow in size they often get more and more normal looking. Acid rain? Air polution? Herbicide drift? I don't know but I think you will still get tomatoes, at least I did for the last 3 years with plants that developed leaves like the ones you posted....See MoreOkay, I've never seen weather like this.
Comments (21)A cool front has passed through southern WI and is headed to the east coast. Relief is on the way. Behind the front, day temps are 70s to low 80 with drier air: Dew point 60 F. No wind to speak of so can not tarry outside because of misquitos - have to keep moving or get eaten. We've had our share of rain the past 3 days. The problem was the rain clouds were strung over 200 miles and were aligned with the direction of travel. The rain front was not exceptionaly wide. The result was 200 miles of rain clouds passed over the same spot. Menomonee Falls and Milwaukee, WI got flooded. Nicolet High School in Glendale, WI got flooded: 6 to 8 ft or water in the basement and 1.5 ft of water running down the halls on hte first floor. The gym floor went under. They had just gotten in new sports gear for the fall term and it was stored in the basement. Official's preliminary estimate is $1 million to clean and repair. They think that if crews start now and work 7 days a week, the school may be in shape in time to open for the fall term. And of course by now, you have heard about the Cadillac Escalade swallowed by a sink hole. The vehicle pulled up to a stop light, the street caved in dropping the vehicle into a 15 ft deep hole and to add insult, the stop light also fell and leaned on the car. Its going ot be interesting to see how the insurance companies react to this one. I can hear it now: This was flood damage and your policy does not cover flood. The real sob story goes to a the owners of 5 to 7 homes on the north side of Milwaukee. Their basements caved in; the city condemed the properties as uninhabitible and has ordered immediate demolition. One woman lamented: "I bought this house not long ago for $120,000 and have 20 more years of mortage left. I'm loosing my house this week, but the mortage lives on." She'll get nothing from her home owner's insurance because it is flood damage, and most homes in that area do not carry flood damage because they were not in a flood plain and up to now, it was not needed. A number of cars parked in underground garages were flooded. If the water level got up to the relay box under the hood or the fuse panel under the dash, these will be totaled by the insurance firms. Yes sireee, the is the second time in 15 years that we got a 100 years rain....See MoreOh, my, I've never seen anything like this before
Comments (10)Years ago my BIL and hubby each built an Ultralight plane. My BIL had his pilots license, Hubby was going to but never did. Well, the BIL sold his and was flying my hubbies. He had to make an emergency landing in a field at the edge of the city. All was well for the time being. Then some weeks later he crashed it.This was the second plane he had crashed. He made the front page of the local newpaper with the first one. Well, my dear hubby had put in a landing strip in our field and BIL tried landing and flipped the crazy thing. All the neighbors saw was a plane coming down. They called 911 and we had everyone in his brothers come. My BIL was so hot.. Embarrassed is what he was. Cars were lined up and down our road checking out what had happened.. BIL was not hurt.. We got rid of the plane and hubby never did get his pilots license. Oh, by the way, my SIL would never get in a plane with my BIL.. I would say she is a smart woman.....See MoreRelated Professionals
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