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Need advice on replacing my furniture/redecorating living/dining room!

6 years ago
So I have posted on here before but am coming back with a fresh mind. :)
We moved into our house last year and like it for the most part. I just want to make it look nice to the point where we can have guests over and will have a space to be proud of!
I was obsessing for a while about it because decorating and replacing furniture is expensive and whatever we get is going to stay and no redo ! so it better all coordinate and flow! haha.
Here is our living and dining combo.

our most recent purchase was the couch. it came with the pillows but I am thinking maybe replace them with something a little more modern when we can. I want to replace the coffee table and the dining table.
I posted before about my MIL coming over and replacing our furniture with antiques (the dining set, coffee table and blue wall). Since then boundaries have been set and moving forward.

Right after my last post we found out we are pregnant with baby#2! So now the budget that we had has decreased haha which is why I took a break from thinking about it! So now we will have a 6yo and a baby.

My goals are for it to:
Have a cozy and comforting vibe
Look nice when guests come over for dinner
Be kid friendly but still look nice
Modernize some, have a more sleek vibe (maybe it's the coffee table throwing me off)

I want something that I can light a candle and feel cozy during fall, christmas and with a baby! We are a young couple though so also want it to feel like it!
I really like target style. I know its popular and everything that they come out with/coordinate looks great.

Any opinions would be appreciated!

(the random blue wall-not sure what to do about it. I have the original paint color in my garage (if it's still any good) so I could either paint it back or play up the blue wall with paintings or something. Eventually, would like to paint the whole living and dining space. I'm trying to prioritize right now.

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