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Help! Need a blue/green/gray paint color for master bed/bath/closet!

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

Hi! A few days ago, our builder-grade closet shelving collapsed, so we are getting ready to install a custom closet. Before the installation, we thought we would take the opportunity to repaint the closet. Naturally, this snowballed into wanting to repaint the bedroom and adjoining bath as well. :)

These rooms have never been painted since we’ve lived here (they’re all relaticely neutral off-white/beige colors, with the exception of one accent wall in the master bedroom and one accent wall in the master bath that are painted a deep mocha color. We want to repaint all of these spaces, possibly including the accent walls as well. We’ve narrowed it down to 7 blue/green/gray colors and need help deciding!

Heres a photo showing the colors painted on a wall next to our blue/green curtains. We are hoping to find something that complements the curtains well. The bedroom gets lots of natural light, the closet gets a reasonable amount and the bathroom gets the least amount of light. We’re going for a calm, serene color. Hoping to find something we can potentially also use in other rooms in our house, as I have lots of light blues throughout (living room curtains are Pottery Barn Porcelain Blue, which is similar to a robin’s egg color). Please help!

(We are also open to using different, complementary colors in the different rooms.)

I will add a photo below showing the paint samples (in the same order) in our closet as well.

Palladian Blue
Sea Salt
Quiet Moments
Glass Slipper

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