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Karl Foerster feather reed grass questions for Zone 7

5 years ago

From what I've read, Zone 7 is the upper threshold for this grass and I'm curious if anyone with experience growing it can tell me what to expect from it. I live in central North Carolina and we can have pretty brutal summers imo, and I wonder how that might affect this cool season grass.

I realize they'll get larger with age but I wonder how wide I can expect the cluster of stalks to be after say, 2-3 years, and if their seed heads have a difference appearance in hot & humid climates compared to more temperate climates.

For Zone 7, would they thrive in full sun, or benefit from some shade? Also, I'm curious about what soil conditions would be ideal for it in this area - I've read it likes moist soil but I've also read that it will do well in average/dry soil - so I give up lol.

Any pictures of yours that you can share would be appreciated.


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