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Front door opens to Foyer & Dining Room - pls help w/ furniture layout

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

My front door currently opens to foyer and the dining room on the right part as you will see in the first photo below.

My dilemma:

--1. I wanted to have a space for small console table where I could put keys, etc upon entry and a bench where I could sit while I put on shoes (we don't wear shoes inside the house :p ). But I don't know how or where to place these items in my foyer-slash-dining room. Any ideas?

--2. Also, feel free to suggest furniture/fixture that would best fit the room's layout - I'm currently drawn to the style of this house [https://www.houzz.com/magazine/houzz-tour-black-white-and-wood-in-a-new-modern-farmhouse-stsetivw-vs~92950731(https://www.houzz.com/photos/modern-farmhouse-farmhouse-dining-room-salt-lake-city-phvw-vp~99177167) Looking to find child-friendly and wallet-friendly versions of the key items.

--3. The #2 light is not aligned to the windows where I'd like to place the dining table - possible solution: use tracklights, what do you think?

I have also included a layout (see second photo) that I'm currently working on. Nothing is final yet as we have a few more weeks until move in date. I will greatly appreciate your help/advice/opinion.

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