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Help/Input on Modern Farmhouse floorplan + exterior

6 years ago

I'd love some input on this custom build. I found a house I loved that had been built in Utah, and modeled the main floorplan after it. Our architect took our ideas and this is our first draft of the floorplan/exterior. We have a list of things we want to change/tweak on the first floor... but I'm not in love with the 2nd floor (hallway seems too... hotel-ish?) and something about the exterior is just... meh. I like it... but I don't love it. And if we're doing a custom build I want to freaking love it.

My husband and I are newbies at building... and would love input on the floorplan as well as possible ideas on how to make the exterior better.

My Pinterest board with build ideas is here: (I'm new to Houzz! ACK! HAHA!)

We have 4 kids... needs for upstairs is 4 bedrooms/2 bathrooms.

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