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Backsplash tile dilemma. Thoughts welcome!

6 years ago

Trying to come up with a solution for how to handle the trim around a marble vanity with 3 inch backsplash.

The heavily veined sinktop 'fights' with the more lightly marbled wall tile that's been installed in the shower, partially seen here:

I figure bordering with a strip of this drark grey metallic trim will give a demarcation line and serve as a buffer between the two marble effects. And then a double row of the mini glass brick atop that, similar to the shower. Here's a better look at that trim (bottom sample):

But what about the two different heights where the trim will go (left hand side of sink meeting the rear backsplash.....right hand side of sink is not alcoved). Thoughts on how to make that look good? Would a double strip of the grey metallic along the left wall be a good way to handle it to bring them even? or....?

Tile/ border will wrap the whole corner wall, to just above the light switch (or 14” high from the sink top).

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