What is wrong with this bed runner?
6 years ago
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- 6 years ago
- 6 years ago
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strawberries not sweet - what did I do wrong?
Comments (13)Well, the even funnier thing is I gave up growing strawberries altogether during these intervening years until now! You're timing is impeccable : ). I'm growing some on my deck, in a 18 gal container, as opposed to in my raised beds, and they're fruiting as we speak. Don't know how they'll taste - I'll keep you posted. Based on the comments from back then and yours, now, I think my problem probably was lack of sun and/or heat. They're getting more sun on the deck, but we've also had a few bouts of unseasonably cold and rainy weather since they started fruiting, so I don't know what to expect. This time the variety I'm growing is Sparkle. I will say the plants are very productive, much more so than the ones I grew in the beds back then....See Moregrass with runners taking over my bed
Comments (8)Wish there was a magic genie and I could just wish it away! ===>>>> that would be a roundup product in a windex sized bottle [you can get them at the dollar store ... wait for it.. for a dollar] .. and just squirt it carefully ... repeatedly ... eventually it will get the idea ... perhaps severing the edge so you dont kill out into the lawn ... All you can do then is keep picking the grass or weeds and hope they die from exhaustion. That DOES work if you are diligent. ==>>> usually i give up due to exhaustion long before i win ... on a tree.. if you remove the terminal branch.. all it does is trigger side branches.. or dormant buds ... and you end up with twice as big a problem.. and that is akin to how i figure grass works ... pull up one runner.. 4 weeks later.. there are 3 ... butt.. have you looked into a straight shovel.. and all that ... check out the link .. and if you go that route... one of the greatest suggestion i can make.. SHARPEN THE DARN THING .... you wouldnt believe how easy a sharp shovel cuts thru soil ... only took me 20 years to put my shovels to the grinder .... like the difference between having to jump on it to get it in the ground.. literally ... and having to simply step and push ... all that knowledge learned.. cuz one day i knocked over the shovel on my way to the grinder to sharpen an ax.. and figured what the heck.... ken Here is a link that might be useful: go down to the spade shovel...See MoreWhat’s wrong with Brother Stefan?
Comments (6)I discovered them around my Kate tradescantia first...later in the hosta, under a heuchera, etc. I would not have believed it either had I not observed it with my own eyes. We might have had a discussion about these bugs a couple of years ago. I found that my slug bait worked on them too...found little curled up balls - deceased. They curl up when disturbed but these were dead. They went on a full stomach, lol. Lately I am finding some inside the drainage holes of my potted hostas. Lots of moisture from all the rain and I am not as active moving stuff around outdoors so they take up residence quickly. Time to sprinkle more bait under the pots. Are you thinking of cleaning it out (bleach solution) to see if any of the crown is salvageable? Any good piece of meristem should root I would think....See MoreWhat’s wrong with my rose?
Comments (6)There is not an actual rose virus named RMV. It is a group name for rose viruses that exhibit mosaic symptoms. Which rose viruses are found in Florida? If the Florida Southern Collection results are typical for the rest of the state, your virus could be one of the following: Rose Spring Dwarf (RsDAV) was found in 21 of the 150 plants tested. Blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus (BcRV) was found in one plant, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) was found in 6 plants, and Rose yellow vein virus (RYVV) was found in six plants. Four plants had mixed viruses - two had RsDAV and RYVV (Paul Neyron and Pulich Children) and two had PNRSV and RsDAV (B. rugosa ruba and Red Pinocchio). The above results were reported at the 2018 National Clean Plant Rose meeting by Kevin Org of Texas A and M University. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2018 National Clean Plant Rose meeting presentations are available at: https://ucanr.edu/sites/ncpnrose/Network_Business/may_2017_agenda/2018_Meetings/ (I cannot see any way to directly link to an individual page in a Power Link presentation.) On the first day of the 2018 meeting, Kevin Org presented the above results of his University's (TAMU) testing of 150 roses in the Florida Southern Collection. Please note that the most common virus found is Rose Spring Dwarf. This virus would be of particular concern (to me) as it is aphid transfered. https://sites.google.com/site/rosespringdwarf/home...See MoreRelated Professionals
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