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Help me perfect our throw pillows - curved sofa

6 years ago

Something is not quite right, and I could use some help, as I know there are a lot of very talented pillow experts here! Skip ahead to the photos if you don't want the backstory.

I know the basic principles - texture, color, pattern, size/shape -- but am having an awful time pulling it together to make this all work. Especially when comfort is also a factor. It also doesn't help that I struggle seeing the subtle difference in colors and shades.

The Backstory:

Started with 5 pillows all rectangular, 3 furry ones, 2 smaller sage green linen, all from RH. We liked how they looked though wasn't sure if the size/shape was right, or if there were enough. However hubby does not like the textures and comfort factor of these pillows at all. The furry ones are synthetic. The linen ones are nice but the fabric is scratchy. All have good quality down/feather inserts -- hubby is complaining about the fabric, not the inserts.

I also feel it's not quite enough pillows or right pillow mix and/or the size shape is just wrong. Have felt like it needs maybe a white pillow, a black pillow. Something patterned? Something. I don't know.

So we're testing out this white Mongolian lamb pillow and it's divine, soft and comfortable and nice to touch.... but a totally different shape and size, and now things seem more wrong. Plus now we have a lot of fur. Too much?

Do I need to add, subtract, start all over? I don't mind starting over -- there's another place in the house where the brown furry pillows would look and function great.

Pics -

Close up

Farther back so you get a sense of the rest of the living room -

Pillow free for your photo shop pleasure.

If it matters, we do have throws that coordinate but I like to fold those up and put them away when they aren't in use. The throws are in sage green (match the linen pillows) and in cream. Also, the space is one large open space -- not shown is the kitchen (to the right of the pics), office (directly behind pic #2), and DR.

Comments (84)

  • 6 years ago

    I love Grover's RH blue set - not too many.

    Jennifer Dube thanked Ann
  • 6 years ago

    Your home is *not* what is meant by "prison grey" BTW.

    Jennifer Dube thanked miss lindsey (She/Her)
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    I'm an artist and home stager. l know this suggestion is about month old, but any time you're looking to grasp ideas for your room, you should pick the strongest color from your painting. Use this color to pick your furniture, pillows, area rug etc. In this case your strongest color in your painting is cerulean blue. Nice painting but has so many colors in it, that when you try decorating around it, the room spins. Hopefully you have a neutral colored sofa, if you wanna have fun with choosing pillow designs. Is this art by the artist Robert Wyland?
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    I think with the color of the sofa you can go with just about any color. I would definitely add brighter colors. A pretty throw, some tall candles behind the sofa, pillows. You can transform your sofa into a much more inviting area with a little thought and experimenting. Enjoy!
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    Thanks for your feedback! This is the geometric pattern pillow I had ordered - what do you think about this one? And regarding bringing in the red, I originally found this pattern on a Target pillow, and it looked much more coral than red. I'm not opposed to bringing in the coral for a punch of color. Here's the Target pillow in the collage from above: Oh and the solid chenille pillow shown above arrived yesterday, and I'm not crazy about it - plus it's a little small. So it will probably be returned. Thanks!
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  • 6 years ago

    Thanks Ann... the hubs has offered to take a trip to RH to check those out in person so we shall see. That said I am not sure they'll be in the store as the site says "due to hurricane Harvey expect delays."

    Also I do think we need more than what we have now (5) OR we need a different shape/size. The ones we have now just don't seem like enough, whether it's just hubby and I lounging or we have company.

    My crude photoshop BTW did not size any of those pillows. That's beyond my skills.

  • 6 years ago

    jenn, one of the reasons i like buttons is because it is easy to see which side you should lounge on -the buttonless side of course. you can also upgrade these pillows, by putting on better buttons. As far as cable goes direction is up to you. i gave you those mixes with only a touch of light blue in them. the cable can barely peek out if you like, giving something to lounge on and just a hair of pattern. most of these stores are great at returns.

  • 6 years ago


    Jennifer Dube thanked shwshw
  • 6 years ago

    Just came over from Amoeba's office dilemma. Love your unique and artsy style Jennifer! Nothing to add at this point but will be following.

    Jennifer Dube thanked lisalane
  • 6 years ago

    Following too!

    Jennifer Dube thanked mrykbee
  • 6 years ago

    I'd like to see what some bolder pillows look like in your room. I like the color of your plant.

    Jennifer Dube thanked mrykbee
  • 6 years ago

    Jennifer M, the 2nd picture of your sofa,the one that includes those chairs, sets for me a very Deco Luxe/Moderne sort of look for the space. Is that what you want or are you trying to push things in a different direction?

    Jennifer Dube thanked hollybar
  • 6 years ago

    Myrkbee, we definitely want to get more plants in the house eventually. That turtle pillow is adorable. I'm not sure if the bolder green pillows work - you tell me? I could try some more here.

    Otherwise in this rendition I was mostly playing around with medium contrast.... shades of charcoal.

  • 6 years ago

    Hollybar, I have no idea what Deco Luxe/Moderne style is, but I don't think I'm trying to push things in a different direction. The whole dilemma started because hubby doesn't like the feel of the synthetic fur and linen pillows, and also felt we needed more for comfort, or bigger, or .... something.

    I saw this today and saved it because I like this look including the pillows:


  • 6 years ago
    Jennifer, have you tried all brown pillows of various textures and shades and tones? With maybe one or two charcoal thrown in. I love the art above your amazing couch and think too much pillow pattern takes away from it a bit. I’m picturing lots of texture but a very simple, monotone look on the couch.
  • 6 years ago

    I like this RH collection that Grover found the most.

    I like the color and scale of the pattern. I also think that having only a few pillows will let the cool shape of your couch shine. Its a beautiful couch. Don't clutter it up with too many pillows. I'd do 3 at the most. Unless you need pillows to make the couch more comfortable?

    Since the tactile quality of the pillow is so important to you and hubs, don't buy any more pillows online. Go to the store and touch everything.

    You have a really cool space BTW.

  • 6 years ago

    I also like that grouping best, by a lot. I'd do 5 for a sofa that large, but no more than 5.

  • 6 years ago

    I've always thought the 'Knot Cushion' was very cool. Would look great in your modern space. I've seen it in lots of colors. Just do a google search.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    My thought for different shades of brown comes after looking at your two cool chairs and ottoman opposite the couch. Brownish (caramel, chocolate, etc.) pillows might provide a bit of balance with the other side of the room and also look really rich against the color of your couch.

  • 6 years ago

    Lislane, I found some interesting brown pillows on Crate&Barrel. Will share a mockup later after work. I think they'd have to be mixed with cream pillows to lighten it up. Basically it'd be the same original idea, but without the synthetic fur and perhaps with some subtle pattern.

    Amoeba - thanks for joining! Those rope pillows look so fun! I think they'd be perfect for the "kids areas" of our home, the guest room nook and also a yet-to-be-finished loft/library/hangout (hubby still needs to paint and replace flooring so that'll be a down-the-road dilemma).

    As for the RH velvet pillows, something just looks "off" to me and I'm not sure what it is. When you blow the images up, they look... dirty or something. I don't know, or maybe it's the pattern. Anyway, they are not in stock at our local RH, and are on backorder in that color until June. I may order just one to check it out in person.

    I am tempted in the meantime to order that floral CB2 pillow. And I have found some more pillows on Crate & Barrel, which we could possibly stalk down in person.

  • 6 years ago

    Okay here are some more mock-ups -- do any of these strike your fancy?

    This first one is kind of rough but hopefully you get the idea. It includes the mongolian and the CB2 floral, with a silk pillow in a brown. I then found that spotted pillow (have no idea now where I found it now). The other two pillows aren't quite right.

    This one below includes the mongolian plus some pillows from Crate & Barrel(#2, #3, #4 and #6). Plus the floral CB2 pillow. I know it's 6 pillows. I threw the floral in at the last minute.

    Here it is without the CB2 floral:

    Playing with blues. I do wonder if the patterned pillow here to the right (or something like it) would help tie in the ottoman?

  • 6 years ago

    Playing off Grover's idea of buying a set ... I've ventured on to Room & Board's site. Any of these sets tickle your fancy?

    Room & Board pillows are to the right -- the pillow on the sofa is one from Dwell Studio.

  • 6 years ago

    Seriously? It's pillows on a couch. Are you going to glue them permanently in place? Put them any place you want. Nobody else will see them and they'll probably get moved every time someone sits down.

    Couch litter.

  • 6 years ago
    I'm liking the calmer, lighter colors that blend. Some of the other combos look similar to the artwork and take your focus away from the art. I think it would look better to have the art draw your attention rather than fight with the pillows
    Jennifer Dube thanked shwshw
  • 6 years ago

    You know, tatts has a point. I would be tempted to get a textured neutral throw and put in on the chaise end of the sofa and call it a day.

    With how long it is and the shape and curves, it has interest on its own.

  • 6 years ago

    We use the pillows and we need the pillows - it's not just about appearance.

    If you'll notice, this sofa does not have any back cushions to begin with.

    Pillows in this case are not just "couch litter" - they are necessary.

  • 6 years ago

    Went to Crate & Barrel today to look at throw pillows and didn't like any of them. May order the Restoration Hardware ones Grover suggested next -- but the hubby doesn't like the patterns. Too traditional?

    Why are throw pillows so difficult?

  • 6 years ago


    I decided to sign up for Havenly, an online decorating service, to help get the pillows right. Have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and highly recommend. The designer gave me three different concepts (high contrast, blue, and orange to tie in with other orange touches in the room). I liked the high contrast the best. Here's what we arrived at -- all pillows from Little Design company:

    ... However I'm not sure about the zig-zag pillow (the small one next to the white Mongolian). Online the pattern looked to be black velvet and gold metallic. It's silver, not gold, and something's not sitting right with me -- looks a bit too 70s disco. Also think had it been gold it'd tie in with the antelope pillow better, as well as other gold touches we have throughout this floor. I don't know. The hubby likes it. I also worry that too much pattern is competing with the art, so am thinking about replacing that one (and just that one -- I love the other pillows) with something more subdued.

    What do you think? I need to decide about that zig zag pillow ASAP. Would love your thoughts. Keep or return?

    All pillows are hubby tested & approved. The Havenly pillow inserts are super puffy and very comfortable. We think this is the right amount of pillows too.

  • 6 years ago

    I like the zigzag pillow well enough; of course, I'm not seeing it in person. The whole arrangement looks great.

    Jennifer Dube thanked groveraxle
  • 6 years ago

    I agree, I think the zig zag works. In fact, if I were forced to replace one it would be the antelope (and I like antelope print a lot). I think the arrangement could use one more solid white to balance the mongolian fur.

    I do like them all and I like the strong contrast.

    Jennifer Dube thanked miss lindsey (She/Her)
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks grover!

    Lindsey - we actually also tried a version of that black pillow that's got a reversed pattern so it's white with black lines. But I liked that pillow the least. The white was just too stark. Also of note, and you can't tell from this photo as it's hard to capture, the Mongolian actually has a bit of a green sheen to it.

    And the antelope is my absolute favorite -- so I was thinking of swapping the zig zag with this one -- https://www.shoplittledesignco.com/collections/animal-prints/products/crocodile-chenille-alabaster -- maybe that would tie in with the antelope better? Then I'd put the antelope where the zig zag is and the crocodile would be in place of the antelope... or is that too much animal print? What I like also about the crocodile is that it's much more subdued / quiet and doesn't compete so much.

  • 6 years ago

    Yes to that swap is my vote! I like the crocodile and it isn't overtly an animal "print", it's more of a texture and geometric.

    I too would have trouble giving up the antelope. I'm hoping for an antelope rug in my bedroom. But Husband is a vegetarian and not so much into animal rugs, faux or not.

    Jennifer Dube thanked miss lindsey (She/Her)
  • 6 years ago

    I'm no pillow pro, you have plenty of great help for that. Just wanted to say I love you wow-eeee dining room and that art, makes my heart go all racy!

    Jennifer Dube thanked lizziesma
  • 6 years ago

    Lindsey -- too bad about the hubby's preferences, though I respect that. I adore animal prints and always have. Just got to reign myself in or I could easily go overboard.

    Thank you ma in michigan! The art is meant to be the star of the show, but we need pillows for comfort, so the trick is finding some that "go" without taking over the starring role.

    I do think these are TONS better than the original, which were too subdued, and not very comfortable. FYI Restoration Hardware pillow inserts are hard as a rock. That said they are now in use in our guest bedroom.

  • 6 years ago

    Ok going totally off-topic :-D

    The weird thing is we farm and raise beef cows, Husband has no problem bringing animals to the butcher or putting down a severely injured animal AND he hunts and fishes but he draws a hard line at using their hides in our house. I figure use all parts is the best scenario but he finds it morbid. Oh well, like you say I have to respect his preferences. It's his house too!

    Btw, did you know that if you cross a Jersey cow with a Hereford bull the resultant calves are brindle? Very very cool markings.

  • 6 years ago
    I’d skip fur and velvet
    Jennifer Dube thanked Danielle Black
  • 6 years ago
    I’d skip fur and velvet
  • 6 years ago
    I’d skip fur and velvet
  • 6 years ago

    Hey Danielle, what do you think of fur and velvet?

    (Sorry, I couldn't resist. Those are really cool pillows you posted)

  • 6 years ago
    following, super cool home
    Jennifer Dube thanked J J
  • 6 years ago

    Thank you Danielle! Those pillows skew a bit too bohemian for me, though I do love them. Some day I'll have a beach house and instead of coastal it'll be totally boho.

    I get what you're saying about fur and velvet. Right now we have the one fur -- the Mongolian. Hubby's always wanted a dog and I have put my foot firmly down and told him no dog until he retires. The fur pillow is his interim prize until then, as it is soft and furry like a dog. I am also not sure about the velvet but I do want some sort of other texture, as the other pillows have pattern and are really nice but aren't adding texture. That's why I'm thinking the chenille crocodile to replace the velvet.

    Incidentally hubby and I decided to keep the velvet *regardless* because he likes it, and we have one last space to finish up, a small loft (about the size of a full bed and no larger). We are thinking of making this space up for future grandchildren to sleep over, and doing it in a B&W funky theme, with the zig zag pillow as inspiration.

  • 6 years ago

    Lindsey, go off topic all you want.

    We actually bought a cow hide on a trip to Dallas. I wanted one so bad, thought it'd work great in our entry. But even though I love animal prints, and I love all these stylized photos with cow hides... um no. I don't know what it is, maybe the shape, as I have contemplated cutting it up into placemats or other non-cow shapes.

    At the end of the day I do like the antelope pillow because it's just a print, not real. The Mongolian on the other hand is real fur and I'm not just okay with that, I'm much happier with it than I was with the fake fur pillows we had from RH. And yet the cow hide creeps me out. What is it with that?

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Jennifer, I absolutely love, love, did I mention love, all the pillows from Havenly! They make a rich fun statement without upstaging the Artwork. Love your home. I know of Havenly, but never knew they did small jobs like that.

  • 6 years ago

    I vote keep the zig zag.

  • 6 years ago
    I like the zig zag sorry not sure why my post posted 3 times. Your place is great!
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks Michelle41! Yes, Havenly has a mini design package. I got suggestions not just for pillows but other decor finishing touches.

  • 6 years ago


    I just received this Fornasetti pillow from Etsy -- it's an outdoor pillow and I intended for use on our deck. However, I kind of like it in my office. What do you think? Perhaps it can live here during the off season.

  • 6 years ago

    Straight up black pillows and the fuzzy white...nothing else.

  • 6 years ago

    Love the Fornasetti. You need some art on those walls in your office!

    Jennifer Dube thanked Amoeba-meba
  • 6 years ago
    I thought I'd seen that before Ameba
  • 6 years ago

    Yes I'm working on the art! I've got a couple of pieces still to be hung/framed. And a... hubby DiY project which is hard to describe but involves giant glass laboratory tubes and air plants. ;-)

  • 6 years ago

    Actually I should post for advice on that project over on the DiY thread... we've got a couple of ideas but haven't decided.

  • 6 years ago
    Jennifer, my plant loving cousin tried caring for air plants....much to her dismay, they did not thrive. I wish you better success.