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California house exterior paint suggestions please!

6 years ago

I made a similar topic a couple months back, but the situation has changed and I'm requesting help in a new thread.

We just had our ugly vinyl siding removed from our 1960 ranch house, and found good condition wood underneath, so I'll be having it painted next week along with the other two stucco walls which aren't shown (excuse all the debris and dirty walls in the pics). I initially wanted to copy this pic that I loved which was suggested in my previous thread (love the dark colors with the contrasting popping white trim), but I am concerned about the fact that I don't often see darker houses here on the west coast. From what I see in the area, lighter colored houses are never as head turning as something like the reference pic IMO.

Should I go for a dark look like this? Will I notice an increase in heat in the summers? Will the dark color fade faster?

Any color suggestions by the experts (you guys) would be helpful. I don't have much insight or experience in color design and matching. My neighbor is already a medium gray, so I don't want to match that too closely.

Pics of my house:

Pic of reference house I've been attempting to copy:

Comments (188)

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    wow. love the colors. what do you think about doing the casing in the dark color? by step, do you mean the support piece under the door?(That should actually be brick..) or the actual steps of the porch

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • 6 years ago

    I meant the step from the concrete porch into the house (the piece under the door).

    Hm, casing in black. I just assumed all casings and trim are in the red. I'm sure it will look good either way.

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    smiles - try this: http://www.sherwin.com/visualizer/ Choose Exterior Scene. Try the Spanish Revival house (or any other you want), then plug in some colors like Mossy Gold (just request Mossy or you'll get a whole bunch of different golds), Baguette, a peachy pink like Constant Coral or any other colors that will be suggested in this thread. You will also get suggested coordinating colors for doors, shutters and trim. Another idea is to go to your nearest paint store like SW or BM and ask what are the most popular colors for your style house. Take a picture of your house and ask to talk with the color consultant when you're there and see what they recommend. Doesn't hurt to gather as many opinions as possible and see if there is a common thread.
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    The only way to be able to tell which color is best is to sample. I think you have some good possibilities, so either paint some boards or paint large samples on the walls of the house. Be sure to use two coats when sampling so you are replicating the finish as it will be. If you're going to use the color on multiple sides of the house, be sure to look at it on all sides, and at different times of day. The quality of light can drastically change the appearance of a color.
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  • PRO
    6 years ago

    well, because you have those dark posts, I think you can get away w/doing the door casing in the dark. Plus, that ore looks really nice against the brick. it's a good contrast. what color were u doing the door? if leaving it natural wood, the ore will really set it off nicely. if painting it, you could always paint it the raisin color

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Hm, I thought the plan was to paint it in the midnight oil color, but I suppose that can be too dark with the posts already the dark color.. It will need to be painted for sure. The wood one was out of budget.

  • PRO
    6 years ago


    jshar2004 thanked RL Relocation LLC
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    do the casing in the dark, and the step.

    jshar2004 thanked RL Relocation LLC
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    can you cut down that shrub this week lol

  • 6 years ago

    lol glad you like it. I'm very satisfied as well, thanks to you guys. That corner shrub will come down I promise!

    Just to clarify, for the dark casing/step, you're saying the door should be the burgundy right?

  • 6 years ago

    I thought you were doing the door in the black. Along with the casing in black.

  • 6 years ago

    Since I didn't know what kind of door you were getting, I stole an Eichler for you.

    jshar2004 thanked groveraxle
  • 6 years ago

    My vote for door and casing with a gooseneck barnlight:

    jshar2004 thanked groveraxle
  • 6 years ago


  • 6 years ago

    Wow thanks for the pics! Tough to decide.They all look good to me lol.

    My door is decided, but I guess it wouldn't affect the color palette:

  • 6 years ago

    Ah, I vaguely recall the door discussion. You're right though; the colors still work.

    jshar2004 thanked groveraxle
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    I think I agree w/grover. red door, dark trim. and since your door has glass, it will break it up just a bit. I also like dark door, red trim.

    and once that landscaping is done, it will look REALLY good.

    have you thought about some black slate/quartzite tile on the porch/stairs? or maybe some concrete paint in the same color as house and doing stair risers in the black?

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • PRO
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    yes to the burgundy door and dark trim.

    jshar2004 thanked RL Relocation LLC
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks for the feedback. I would think black door hardware be best in this case (locks, hinges, etc) with the burgundy door. I ordered it in satin nickel but might be able to change if I call in early tomorrow.

  • 6 years ago

    Also I think Im ready to create a post requesting landscape advice. I’ll get that going tomorrow. You guys have elevated my home from ugliest on the block to potential of being the best

    And yeah Beth, I have thought about doing something to the concrete porch. It’s discolored and not very nice looking. I’ve considered painting, but have had experience with peeling/bubbling when I tried that in my backyard. Maybe I should try pressure washing.

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    jshar,,yes,,a good washing and degrease,,,and then make sure you get actual concrete/porch paint or stain.

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    I bet someone in landscape knows the best way to handle the porch. Make sure to post the link here so we can follow. Just curious, what city are you located in (you can dm me if you dont want to share here.)

    jshar2004 thanked RL Relocation LLC
  • 6 years ago

    In SW Florida where I live, almost everyone paints their driveways and lanais. No bubbling or peeling with concrete stain.

    jshar2004 thanked katinparadise
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    RL - I'm in Fremont.

    I've made a topic in the landscaping forum: [https://www.houzz.com/discussions/need-help-with-landscaping-ideas-dsvw-vd~5337949?n=26[(https://www.houzz.com/discussions/need-help-with-landscaping-ideas-dsvw-vd~5337949?n=26)

    I'll post an updated pic after I get the lights. Thanks all.

  • 6 years ago

    Just installed the garage lights. Took a while because the first one I bought was way too big, and had to exchange them for the next size down. Looks nice!

    I'll have the door installed by the end of next week in the burgundy, but I do have another minor dilemma with handleset finishes. If I'm going to use a similar (or identical) black gooseneck light for the porch along with this nice looking mailbox (to be mounted on the brick), should I be use a nickel finish handleset, or should it be brass finish?

    I already purchased this one, and now I'm paranoid that it's too modern looking and the finish will clash with the copper box and black door casing/light. I can always exchange, but will need to buy soon.

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I don't think you told us what color you decided to paint the door? I like the brass mailbox, but I don't care for the nickel door hardware. I like the shape of it, but in a matte black. or the same brass as the box.

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks. Probably going to go with the burgundy for the door. So brass or black for the handle. Hm.

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    you have black lights, black trim, and a copperish/brass looking mailbox...no need to bring in the silver hardware. there is no silver anywhere on this home! (unless you want to change to silver mailbox and do a silver tone light fixture. I still like the matte black option better. Ditto for your house numbers. I'd do the brass and mount them vertical on your black post. make them the modern looking numbers. or something cool like these

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks Beth! I did order the same handleset in a bronze color because we like that style and black was not available. I had already bought the numbers in silve, but I can look for those in brass as well. Would have to be a lighter/copper-ish shade in order not to blend in with the black posts.

    This is the handle:

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    you could actually spray them if they don't have the color to match. spray them in your red house color or a similar shade. saw another house that did that w/chartreuse to match their door.

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • 6 years ago

    The house is looking soooooo good. Congratulations!

    jshar2004 thanked shwshw
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks! I'm super happy with it as well, all because of you guys. Looks nothing like my original reference picture lol.

    I will post another pic once the door is in.

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Wow, love how this is coming along. I like the mail box really cute. I would say you should be ok with the bronze, but there is a slight chance it could end up looking brown with all the black around.. hold it up before you install it.

    jshar2004 thanked RL Relocation LLC
  • 6 years ago

    Will do. Not too worried. Looks like Kwikset's venetian bronze finish is very dark based on pics online

  • 6 years ago

    Here's an update on the porch. Sorry it took so long, there were delays in getting the work done. I'm very happy with the door/trim and all colors. Hard to see from the pic, but the address numbers are also on the post. Got them painted in the burgundy. Just debating whether to move the mailbox closer to the door, but otherwise no big deal. Thanks all for the suggestions.

    Now to trim the tree and bushes.

  • PRO
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    The numbers are blending too much, I think you may need to either paint them high gloss black or the light grey. that door is awesome! just need that tree shaved back and maybeeee a little water on the lawn lol.

    jshar2004 thanked RL Relocation LLC
  • 6 years ago

    It's looking really good. One thing that would really finish it off...

    jshar2004 thanked groveraxle
  • 6 years ago
    Looks like the posts on the right need to be painted black to match the posts on the left. Is that the angle of the photo or are they two different colors? You did a fabulous job with all th ne work you have done. next up: landscaping!
    jshar2004 thanked Denita
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    i'm sure it's the lighting in the photo. they're the same colors.

    jshar, you can't see the numbers. have them done in the brass

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • 6 years ago

    Denita I think it is just the shadow from the tree.

    i support what Grover suggested for wider walk.

    jshar2004 thanked emmarene9
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    Grover wants that walkway real bad like lol~

  • 6 years ago

    It looks beautiful!

    You could use plants that coordinate with your pomegranate color trim.

    If your entryway is shaded, you could use pots with coleus or caladium, or hanging planters with fuschia, trailing coleus .



    Bleeding heart is beautiful.

    Bleeding Heart

    Begonia and impatiens are of course perfect.



    If your area is sunny and you like flowers you can cut, just scatter cosmos seed, it is so easy, and and they will keep coming back, don't feed them.

    Sweet peas are also so easy to grow and they smell marvelous, you can plant them against a fence or put up a a very inexpensive string trellis you can tack to a a gate or your house. They need no care either. They come in mixes of different colors, or you can get them in just one color or type.

    Sweet pea

    A mound of astilbe is a mass of lovely pink and feathery.


    There are so many more choices too.

    Why not tell us if your house face the sun or shade, and also invite DIgDoug into this thread and see what wonderful things he suggests for your lovely house.

    jshar2004 thanked loobab
  • 6 years ago

    Wow thanks for all the input today. You guys suggest simply widening the path like grover's pics? I guess I might have to resurface the whole area so the new concrete matches the old. Still going to try pressure washing it first.

    The posts are all matching. It's the lighting that makes them look off.

    The porch faces north-west.

    Yeah the numbers don't look clear in that pic but maybe it's the lighting again. I went outside just now and have no problem reading it from across the street. This is with the evening sun shining on it though.

    And thanks for the plant suggestions! I'll keep those ideas in mind, and will look into cosmos seeds.

  • 6 years ago

    here's a pic with the numbers at 5pm:

  • 6 years ago

    The cosmos will look great and is so easy, and you could add some poppies too, they are easy to sow as well and just like cosmos, if you leave some go to seed, they will come back again and again.

    It's also fun to buy a wildflower mix appropriate for sun or shade, which ever you have and just be surprised by the riotous mix of whatever shows up and all the butterflies that come to visit. You can get the seed type, or the type that looks like dust bunnies (for real!) that you scatter over your lawn and water in very well, or the kind that looks like a fuzzy shelf-lining that you roll out over your lawn or wherever you want your flowers to come up and water that in well.

    jshar2004 thanked loobab
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks loobab. I've always avoided those mixes because I figured they are annuals and I'll have to dig all of it up after summer ends. I've been meaning to add perennials, but not sure.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    You said you are in Fremont, CA, that is zone 9B.

    Most of those annuals will be perennials where you live.

    Aren't you lucky!

    Sunset Magazine has a lot of gardening advice for specific regions in the west that will be very helpful for you.

    jshar2004 thanked loobab
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    yes your annuals will keep on going and growing. House number is still too dark in daylight, nothing worse than not being able to see them, trust me I do in-house estimates and not finding a house number is so, well, annoying lol.

    jshar2004 thanked RL Relocation LLC
  • PRO
    6 years ago

    yes, I worked in emergency and not finding house numbers can be a real problem when you need someone quickly. I sure hope the numbers on your curbs are painted.

    jshar2004 thanked Beth H. :
  • 6 years ago

    Agree, the numbers need to be visible. I'm a Realtor so it is annoying when you can't find the address, but I would think it is double critical when you have an emergency situation and the address isn't visible. Seconds count.

    jshar2004 thanked Denita
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks for the tips. I'll make sure my address is clear.

    Glad to know that many annuals will last all year. I'll do some research and pick some out that should last in my zone.

  • 6 years ago

    following. Really enjoyed this thread!! The house looks great!

    jshar2004 thanked nbadawi