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Not sure if I want to pay the cost for a nice rug

6 years ago

I need some rugs for the living room/dining room area in my condo apartment. I have never tried to decorate before. I have never bought rugs or carpet. It would be nice to get something that will last a long time and is easy keep clean but I'm not sure I want to spend a lot.

I have discovered that good rugs are much more expensive than I imagined. I have read that the best rugs are woven wool they seem to cost over $1000 (for an 8 X 10). I am not sure if I want to spend that much. I don't entertain much. What if I spill something and ruin the expensive rug? What if I decide I don't like the color or pattern of the rug? On the other hand since quality rugs can last decades it would be convenient not to have replace it.

I have heard that an alternative to a rug is to have a piece of carpet cut and bound. I assume that would cost a lot less.

I wonder if most people buy quality rugs. I'd appreciate opinions and advice.

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