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Vinyl Planks - Need Help Understanding Options

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

Hi All - We bought a new (old) home about 8 months ago and we are starting to think about replacing all flooring. The challenge is that the current floors in the home are all different. Long story short, the home was originally a 60s split level and the original portion has all hardwood. It is in pretty good condition, but not very attractive (thin, yellow-y color planks). Then the house was added onto in the 90s and the 90s addition is on a slab. The 90s addition flooring is a combination of tile and carpet, neither of which we like. Ideally, we would like to replace ALL flooring with a wood-like flooring. We love hardwood, but we have 3 boys and 2 large dogs, so real hardwoods are just not a great option. (we had them in our last home and we are just too hard on them). But it's a fairly high-end home, so we really want something that will still look nice and fit in with other high-end finishes. I keep coming back to luxury vinyl planks. I think they're just the most practical for us. However, I am trying to understand if they can be installed in all of the places in our home.

So two main questions:

1) Can LVPs (like COREtec or Adura Max products) be installed over both existing hardwood AND over a concrete slab? Any major challenges to doing this?

2) There are so many different brands of LVP and I'm totally overwhelmed by the options. We want something that is VERY durable (biggest concerns is the finish scratching and wearing away color), looks as realistic as possible and can be installed over both existing hardwood and a slab. Are there one or two LVPs that ae considered the "best"? At this stage, we're not concerned with budget. Help!

Thanks in advance! :)

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